I.O.D.E. Sir Alexander Galt Chapter Roll Call Book
- Material Type
- Manuscript
- Date Range
- 1952-1970
- Accession No.
- 19891079012
- Scope and Content
- Roll call book of the Sir Alexander Galt Chapter of the IODE in Lethbridge. Covers the years 1952 - 1970.
- Material Type
- Manuscript
- Date Range
- 1952-1970
- History Biographical
- The IODE (Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire) was founded in 1900 by Margaret Polson Murray of Montreal. During the Boer War in South Africa, she recognized that support needed to be developed for Canadians serving in the war. IODE members raised money to send comforts to the men. The IODE also created a program to maintain graves of soldiers and to help provide social services for returning soldiers. During the First and Second World Wars, the IODE supported hospitals and hospital ships, helped provide relief to prisoners, established libraries and canteens and did more to support service personnel. The IODE idea grew across Canada and the first chapter in Lethbridge started in 1914 (the year the First World War started). In Lethbridge, along with the work the volunteers did to support the national work of the IODE, the IODE worked to make a better community. By the 1950s there were 7 IODE Chapters operating in Lethbridge. The Sir Alexander Galt Chapter of the IODE was the first to form in Lethbridge and formed in February 1914. Mrs. G. Robinson was the first Regent and the Chapter was named for Sir Alexander Galt, Father of Confederation and founder (with his son Elliott) of Lethbridge. The prime project of this chapter was the care of the Soldiers’ Plot (1st Field of Honour) at Mountain View Cemetery. Over the years, in addition to assisting with Decoration Days at the cemetery, the group raised funds for the gates and fence around the plot. This Chapter also created a Music Festival Award and the Elizabeth McKillop Scholarship which was annually awarded to a student in Grade 12. When the Municipal Hospital was constructed in 1955, this Chapter furnished a two-bed room in the new hospital. Over the decades the various members of the IODE donated countless hours working at the broad program which included: Education, Patriotism, Services at Home and Abroad, War Memorials, Immigration and Canadianization, Hospitality and Films” in cooperation with civic government and civic departments. The IODE supported, as well as those groups already mention, the YWCA, Senior Citizens’ Home, Red Cross, Canadian Cancer Society, various schools and more. Over time, the chapters lost members and amalgamated. In 1989 the last two remaining chapters of the IODE in Lethbridge combined, hoping to combine their efforts and keep going. Unfortunately in the long run this wasn’t enough and disolved in 2007 in Lethbridge.
- Scope and Content
- Roll call book of the Sir Alexander Galt Chapter of the IODE in Lethbridge. Covers the years 1952 - 1970.
- Accession No.
- 19891079012
- Collection
- Archive
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