Anne Campbell Singers fonds
- Date Range
- 2017
- Physical Description
- 25.4 cm of textual records; 9 photographic prints; 1 cassette tape; 2 pins
- Scope and Content
- 2021.1035/001: Choir Attendance, Correspondences, Financial Papers, etc. 1977-1985. 2021.1035/002: Singing Tree, Spring Sing Posters. 198-? 2021.1035/003: Singing Tree and Spring Sing Programs. 1992-1993. 2021.1035/004: Choir Member List and Newspaper Articles. 1992. 2021.1035/005: Annual Sprin…
- Date Range
- 2017
- Fonds No.
- Fonds
- Creator
- Anne Campbell
- Physical Description
- 25.4 cm of textual records; 9 photographic prints; 1 cassette tape; 2 pins
- History Biographical
- Anne Campbell was born in 1910 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Campbell began teaching music and directing choirs in 1926, at the age of 14. She received her Associate Diploma in piano (A.M.U.S.) from the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto, and a Licentiate in Music (L.M.U.S.) from the University of Saskatchewan. She received an honorary degree, Doctor of Laws, from the University of Lethbridge in 1983 for her contributions to music in Canada. During her music career, Campbell was awarded the Order of Canada for her volunteer contributions to the arts, the Silver Medal from Queen Elizabeth II for her dedication to music, and in 1980 she was named the Woman of the Year for Lethbridge and District. In 2005, she received the Alberta Centennial Award for her community service and dedication. Campbell moved to Lethbridge and founded the Southminster United Church Junior Girls’ Choir in 1953. With the success and encouragement of her students, she developed five choir groups: the Anne Campbell Singers, the Teen Clefs, the Mini Choir, the Southminster United Church Junior Girls Choir, and the Linnet Singers. These choirs include singers from all over southern Alberta, ages 5 and older. The choirs performed and competed all over the world, including an invitation for the Junior Girls Choir to perform at Expo ‘67. In 1968, the choirs competed in festivals in Europe, including winning awards at the Bournemouth Festival, the Teesside International Festival, and they won first place at the Eisteddfod in Llangollen, Wales. The choirs won several awards and competitions, and gained national and international reputations for their performances. The choirs performed in many local concerts, like the annual Spring Sing and the Singing Tree Concerts, throughout southern Alberta. Several members of Anne Campbell’s choirs have continued on in music, with successful music careers, including Marcia Swanston, an opera singer, Bente Hansen, Instructor for the Music Department at the University of Lethbridge, Leslie Dittmann, award-winning girls’ choir conductor, and more. Anne Campbell lived in Lethbridge most of her life with her husband, Don, and their sons, Macdonald (Mac), Stewart, and Alix. Anne Campbell was an honorary life member of the Alberta Registered Music Teachers Association and the Alberta Choral Federation. The Federation presented her with the Richard S. Eaton Award of Distinction for her service in choral music. Anne Campbell retired from the Anne Campbell Singers and her other choirs in 1994, and Shannon Coffman took over the choirs. Campbell moved to Cochrane in the late 1990s to be closer to her son Stewart and his family.
- Scope and Content
- 2021.1035/001: Choir Attendance, Correspondences, Financial Papers, etc. 1977-1985. 2021.1035/002: Singing Tree, Spring Sing Posters. 198-? 2021.1035/003: Singing Tree and Spring Sing Programs. 1992-1993. 2021.1035/004: Choir Member List and Newspaper Articles. 1992. 2021.1035/005: Annual Spring Sing. 1992-1993. 2021.1035/006: Member List. 1990-1993. 2021.1035/007: Singing Tree 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993. 1991. 2021.1035/008: Information on the Junior Choir, Anne Campbell, and the Anne Campbell Singers Choir. 1 photographic print. 1978-1994. 2021.1035/009: Program Performances and Concert Show Notes. 1971-1991. 2021.1035/010: Choir Uniform Information, Concert Poster, Choir Achievements, Song Lists, etc. 1979-1991. 2021.1035/011: Linnets Choir Uniform Designs. 1995? 2021.1035/012: Alberta Music Competition Festival Competitor Forms and Scores. 1964. 2021.1035/013: Choir Music. 198-? 2021.1035/014: Record/Notebook. 1972-1975. 2021.1035/015: Record and Attendance book. 1989-1994. 2021.1035/016: Parents Association Newsletter. 1977-1978. 2021.1035/017: Attendance book and “History this Week” Herald Article. 1972-2017. 2021.1035/018: Register – Anne Campbell Singers. 1975-1981. 2021.1035/019: Spring Sing Notes and Roster List. 1972-1975. 2021.1035/020: Pins and Cassette Tape of the 25th Anniversary of the Singing Tree Concert. 1 cassette tape, 2 pins. 1993. 2021.1035/021: Homecoming Celebration Letters, Linnet Singers Tour Agendas, Meeting Minutes, etc. 1974-1992. 2021.1035/022: Newspaper Articles on Anne Campbell and the Choirs. 1979-1988. 2021.1035/023: The Singing Tree and Other Concert Programs. 1974-1996. 2021.1035/024: Order of Service Church Programs. 8 photographic prints. 1972-1991. 2021.1035/025: Event Invitations, Letters, Concert Programs, etc. 1972-1996. 2021.1035/026: Concert Notes, Music, and Programs. 1975-2002. 2021.1035/027: Concert Programs, Poster, and Notes. 1982. 2021.1035/028: Obituary and Tributes to Anne Campbell. 1922-2016. 2021.1035/029: Southminster Girls’ Choir Members List and the Junior Girls’ Choir Annual Meeting. 1970. 2021.1035/030: Anne Campbell Singers Accomplishments – Flyer and Program. 1998. 2021.1035/031: Avanti Choral Association and Anne Campbell Singers Concert Programs. 1994?-1998.
- Collection
- Archive
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