Irma Dogterom Fonds
- Date Range
- 2001-2005
- Description Level
- Item
- Accession No.
- 20111091
- Physical Description
- Booklets, pamphlets on Farming & Wheat. 21 color photographs
- Scope and Content
- 20111091/001 - southern Alberta Town views of Retlaw, Fort MacLeod, Taber, New Dayton and Monarch. 20111091/002 - 30 Bios of Pioneer Women 20111091/003 - Centennial Committee Recognition on Women - Notes and Correspondence 20111091/004 - Six Black and white Photographs First…
- Date Range
- 2001-2005
- Description Level
- Item
- Physical Description
- Booklets, pamphlets on Farming & Wheat. 21 color photographs
- Scope and Content
- 20111091/001 - southern Alberta Town views of Retlaw, Fort MacLeod, Taber, New Dayton and Monarch. 20111091/002 - 30 Bios of Pioneer Women 20111091/003 - Centennial Committee Recognition on Women - Notes and Correspondence 20111091/004 - Six Black and white Photographs First Chance School 1943 Names attached but in no particular order. Amy Chamkers, Mike Degenstein, Adrian Durand, Stanley Soper, Floreence Degenstein,. Ethel Honess, Nelda Soper, Donal Miller, Odell Degenstein, Mavis Durand, Marion McAlister,Katerine Degenstein, June McAlister, Gerald Wilfley, Harold McAlister, Bette Degenstein. McLean District Reunion 1958. McLean District Reunion 1958 Identified are l-r.; Earl Rivers, Mrs Farstand Lousie 1st teacher, is Bob McMillion, Mr Hearne, School Board, Mr Boulton School Board and Mrs Kloppenberg 3 School class photos 1 photocopy Picture Butte 1944 & 1945 2 postcards Miner’s Library Lethbridge 3 negatives farm views horses, and people Crowd gathering around an airplane 20111091/005 - Legacy Ridge Development Masterial Herald news copy October 23, 2002 re: Irma Dogterom committee member who spearheaded a subdivision named after pioneer women. List of possible candidates 2001 Bios of 26 pioneer women Bio information on Bossy Bessie Elizabeth Taylor 2 sources 20111091/006 - Legacy Ridge photographs 3 views of 3 pioneer women Annie, Mamie and Millie Lendrum. 2 views of theplawues re: the Lendrum Sisters and the sculpture. Note to Greg Ellis former Galt Archivist re: Centennial Committee for Recognition of Women. Coral’s pencil drawings of archway to Legacy Ridge and individual pioneer women Meeting Minutes Feb. 11, 2003 History of Legacy Ridge Request for Assistance from Lethbridge Historical Society News Release - Phases One Centennial Funding Announced Report notes on Alberta’s 100th Anniversary Booklet Alberta Celebration of the Century – Alberta’s 100th Anniversary Strategy Committee December 1997 with letter dated 2000 20111091/007 - Booklets for Legacy Ridge and Hardieville A 26-page discussion booklet “The Lethbridge General Plan” UMA Schedule “A” Hardieville/Legacy/Uplands Area Sturcture Plan March 2001 and 2002 20111091/008 - SQUARE-DANCING Amendments to Alberta Square and Round Dance Federation Ny-Laws. Objects Alberta Western Dance Association 1989 Call cards Program for convention held at the University of Lethbridge 1988 S.A.W.D.A. mailng list 1986 Newsletters May 1981 - July Oct 1992 20111091/009 - Bluesky Square & Round Financial record hand written Bylaws 20111091/010 - Square Dancing History 20111091/011 – Southern Alberta Western Square Dance Meeting Minutes 1990 - 1995 20111091/012 - Southminster Square Dance Group Welcoming note; Constitution – Objectives and by-laws. 3 copies with handwriting on them 1989 & 1990; Responsibilities of Executive positions; Constitution amendments Square Dance Club List of special dates 1991-1992; Correspondence 1990 thank you letters; Budget for 1977-1978;Contact list hand written; Rental Agreement for Elks Compound in Indian Battle Park 1988;Newspaper article on square dancing 1992 2 Fort Whoop Up Programs no date; Business Cards and postcard of Lethbridge Motels
- Accession No.
- 20111091
- Collection
- Archive
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