Land Use and Planning Department fonds
- Date Range
- 1960-2013
- Accession No.
- 20151050
- Scope and Content
- Studies, reports and plans developed or comissioned by the city and related to zoning, land use and development.
- Date Range
- 1960-2013
- Scope and Content
- Studies, reports and plans developed or comissioned by the city and related to zoning, land use and development.
- 20151050/076 Miscellaneous Work – City of Lethbridge – Felix. Land Use District Map – Forming Part of Schedule I of the Lethbridge Land Use By-Law, Most Recent Revision - Mar. 28, 1985. Map – Intersection of 3rd Avenue South and 15th Street South. Map 1 – Residential Map of Lethbridge with Area of West Lethbridge Enclosed in Black Lines and Reference to Map 2. Map 2 – Enlarged Map of West Lethbridge, North of Nicholas Sheran Lake, Includes Parts of Highway 3 and Highway 3A. Map – West Lethbridge. Proposed Subdivision. Horizon Village. Mike Mountain Horse School. Jerry Potts Blvd. W. Map – Lethbridge Joint General Municipal Plan. Plan Area. Area Excluded from 1983 Joint GMP. Map – North Lethbridge, 13th Street North to North City Boundary. Pavan. North Lethbridge Land and Cattle Co. Equestrian Trail. Gymkhana. Map – Mayor Magrath Drive South and 24th Avenue South. Enlarged Map of Section of the Area. Map – Rectangle around Library - 5th Avenue South, Stafford Drive South. 6th Avenue South, 8th Street South. Existing Library. Proposed Library Expansion. Halmrast Manor. Prospective Police Station Sites - Maps and Transparencies. Parcel 4A, Centresite. Former Brewery Site. RCMP Site. Travel Lodge Site. IGA Site. Existing City Hall Site. BLT/Texaco Site. Former Eaton’s Site. Map – Plan 821 1016, Block 2, Lot 61. Stafford Avenue North and 7th Street North. From Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential. Map – Portion of the NW ¼, Section 21-8-21 W4M. Mayor Magrath Drive South, 30th Street South, 27th Avenue South, 28th Avenue South. From Urban Reserve to Highway Commercial. Map and Transparency – 6th Avenue South and 24th Street South. Map – Plan 7710884, Block 6, Lot 12. 18th Avenue North and 29th Street North. From General Industrial to Industrial Business. Map – Lot 69, Block 7, Plan 8110368. Red Crow Boulevard West and Mohawk Road West. From R-37 (Medium Density Residential) to R-CM (Comprehensively Planned Medium Density Residential). Map – Direct Control District. NW ¼ of Section 16, Tp. 8, Rge. 21 W4M. East of the No. 5 Highway, Plans 5510 HX and 63341 JK. Map – Lot 6, Block 31, Plan 7710705. Columbia Blvd. West. From R-75 (Medium Density Residential) to R-L (Low Density Residential). Map – Lots 4 & 5, Block 6, Plan 7911317. Mt. Crandell Crescent West and Blakiston Road West. From R-L (Low Density Residential) to P-B (Public Building). Map – Lots 51 – 57b, Block 6, Plan 7911317. Mt Crandell Crescent West and Benton Drive West. From R-L (Low Density Residential) to R-CM (Comprehensively Planned Medium Density Residential). Map – Lot 47, Block 5, Plan 7911317. Rocky Mountain Blvd. and Blakiston Road West. From R-37 (Medium Density Residential) to R-CM (Comprehensively Planned Medium Density Residential). Map – South Lethbridge. 24th Avenue South (Highway No. 4). Map – North Lethbridge. Lot 4, Block 2, Plan 7410150. 7th Avenue North and 30th Street North. From 1-G (General Industrial) to 1-B (Industrial Business). Map – London Road Neighbourhood. Map and Transparencies (2) - City of Lethbridge. Scenic Drive, 1st Avenue South, 4th Avenue South. 1986, 1987. Proposed Reserve Disposal. Policy for Use/Rental of 900 Universal Video Projector Owned by City of Lethbridge. March/April 1987. Transparency Map – City of Lethbridge. Connecting Water Line. 28th Street South. Map and Transparencies. – City of Lethbridge. Proposed Development. Proposed Billboard Location. Direct Control District. Highway No. 4 and Highway No. 5. Portion of N ½ of Section 21, Tp. 8, Rge. 21, W4M. Area Calculations for McGavins Building. Transparencies (2) – Canada Land Inventory. Soil Capability for Agriculture. Transparency Map – South-east Lethbridge. 43rd Street South, Crowsnest Trail (Highway 3), Highway 4. Proposed Development Site. Annexation Boundary. Transparency Map – South-east Lethbridge. Highway 4, Highway 5. Transparency Map – South-east Lethbridge. 43rd Street South and Highway 4. Block 1 & 2, Plan 7452 GK. From R-UF (Rural-Urban Fringe) to C9 (Automotive Commercial). Transparency Map – City of Lethbridge. From R-UF (Rural-Urban Fringe), H-R (Hamlet-Residential), R-LI (Rural-Light Industrial) to M3 (Urban Reserve). Transparency Maps (3) – South Lethbridge. Scenic Drive, 10th Street South, 11 Street South. Proposed Gate to Country Club. Lethbridge Country Club. Pro Shop. Club House. Transparency – City of Lethbridge. Graph of Development Applications, 1979 – 1984. Transparency Map – South Lethbridge. Major Magrath Drive, Scenic Drive, 28th Street South. Proposed Driving Range. Proposed Golf Facilities. Transparency Map – 3 Buildings. Body Shop. Mobile Home. Proposed Building. Transparency Map – South Lethbridge. C.P.R. Exhibition Grounds. Mountain Minerals. Amendment Site. Proposed Access Location. Map – South Lethbridge. 28th Street South. Bank Setback Line. Proposed Subdivision Line. Existing Property Line. Transparency Map – South Lethbridge. Scenic Drive, 3rd Street South, 7th Avenue A South. Bank Setback Line. London Road Neighbourhood A.R.P. Boundary. Michelson Property. Map – City of Lethbridge. 13th Street North, 1st Avenue South, Highway 3. Proposed Development Site. Map – City of Lethbridge. Railway Trestle. Crowsnest Trail. Proposed Development. Transparency Map – North Lethbridge. 13th Street North and 44 Avenue North. Lagoon. Frache Brothers Ltd. Map – West Lethbridge. McMaster Blvd. Columbia Blvd. Pensacola Ct. Temple Cr. Sector Acreages (5 sheets) – City of Lethbridge. Surrounding Area. Transparency – Legend. Low Density Residential. High Density Residential. Open Space, Parks, Government Buildings, Private Recreation. Commercial, Offices. Schools, Churches, Nursing Homes, Hospitals. Transportation, Communication, Utilities. Light Industrial. Heavy Industrial. Transparency – Residential Subdivision Plan. 01. R1. R2. Transparency Map – Scenic Drive. 3rd Avenue South. Block 1, Lot 3. Block 21, Lot 23. Transparency Maps (3) – Proposed Subdivision. Land Use By-Law Amendment By-Law #3959. Wildwood Road. Wildwood Cres. Ridgewood Blvd. Sherwood Blvd. Transparency Map – Second Avenue “A” North. Second Avenue North. Twenty-Second Street. TNT Towing. Doug’s Motor Clinic. Dietrich Trucking Equipment Ltd. Lethbridge Trucking Equipment Ltd. Bell’s Welding. Andre’s Sales. Transparency Map – Plan Showing Ownership, Lots 1 to 11. Plan 5337Y. May 9, 1984. 9th Avenue South. 16th Street South. 15th Street South. Transparency Flow Chart – Development Approval Process. Public Notice and Maps (3) – Reclamation of Municipal Reserve. Lane. Lot MR-16, Block 9, Plan 7911317. Crandell Crescent West, Brazeau Road. Blakiston By. 1984. Map – North Lethbridge. 28th Street North. 18th Avenue North. 9th Avenue North. 39th Street North. Existing O-2 Zones. Racquetime, Vegas Skate Palace. Proposed Re-Zoning I-4 to O-2. Transparencies (2) Title Pages – Joint General Muncipal Plan. City of Lethbridge. County of Lethbridge. 1984. Figures Showing Properties Affected by Proposed Amending By-law #3988. Map – South Lethbridge. Highway No. 3. 43rd Street South. Parkside Drive. Transparency Map – City of Lethbridge. Surrounding Area.
- 20151050/077 Subdivision Diagrams. City of Lethbridge. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Portion of NE 1/4, Section 34-8-22, W4M. Nov. 23, 1990. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 17-27, Block 207, Plan 6625 F.S. Nov. 30, 1990. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 8, Block 3, Plan 6489 Y. Dec. 17, 1990. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 1 & 2, Plan 1827 JK. Jan. 07, 1991. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 3, Block 5, Plan 1499 JK. Jan. 23, 1991. Transparency. Proposed Road Closure. Red Crow Blvd. Sect. 34, 8-22-W4M. Jan. 24, 1991. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 1 & 2, Block 1, Plan 871 0467 and Lot 2, Plan 8251 JK and Portion of Parcel ‘A,’ Plan 841 0666. Feb. 1, 1991. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 44, 45, 46, Block I53, Plan 406R. Feb. 11, 1991. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of NW ¼ Section 31-8-21-W4M. Old Brewery Site, 1 Avenue & Scenic Drive South. Feb. 12, 1991. Transparencies (2). Proposed Subdivision of Lots 4 & 5, Plan 2847 Y & Lot 11, Plan 2606 Y. 1311 and 1315 – 9 Avenue South. Feb. 14, 1991. Feb. 28, 1991. Transparencies (5). Proposed Subdivision of SW ¼ Section 23-8-2-W4M. Mountain Heights, East of Rocky Mountain Blvd. W. Feb. 19, 1991. Mar. 1, 1991. Mar. 15, 1991. March 19, 1991. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Portion of W ½, Section 35-8-22-W4M. Feb. 21, 1991. Transparency. Proposed Land Use By-Law Amendment: Redesignation from UR to P-B (Public Building) and R-L (Low Density Residential). Portion of W ½, Section 35-8-22-W4M. Feb. 26, 1991. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 21, Block 3, Plan 5870 JK. Feb. 28, 1991. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 7, Block 18, Plan 811 1441. Feb. 28, 1991. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 17-19 incl., Block 2, Plan 6092 JK. Mar. 8, 1991. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 7-9 incl., Block 1, Plan 5568 AI. Mar. 11, 1991. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 105, Block 3, Plan 8710744. 2420 College Drive South. Mar. 11, 1991. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 5, Block 35, Plan 771 0705. Mar. 14, 1991. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Block 1, 3 and 4, Plan 7911317. Mountain Heights. Phase 2. Mar. 15, 1991. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Block A (excepting N. 25.91 m), Plan 7352 GU. Mar. 19, 1991. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Portion of SW ¼, Section 15-8-21, W4M. Mar. 28, 1991. Transparencies (2). Proposed Subdivision of NW ¼, Section 35-8-22-4. Apr. 29, 1991. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 3, Block 4, Plan 911 0582. Aug. 21, 1991. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 1, Plan 6212 GP. Oct. 28, 1991. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 141, Plan 625 C. Oct. 31, 1991. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 1, Plan 861 1098 & Portion of Lot 2, Block 1, Plan 811 0727. Dec. 3, 1991. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 9-11 incl., Block 6, Plan 1094 LK. Dec. 17, 1991. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 16, Block 2, Plan 6212 GP. Jan. 9, 1992. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of East ½, Lot 5, Lots 6 & 7, Lots 15-22 incl., & Portion of Closed Lane, Block 10, Plan 4353 S. Jan. 20, 1992. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 101A – 106 incl. & 109PUL, Block 1, Plan 911 2156 and Lots 27-34B incl. & 35PUL, Block 2, Plan 911 2156. Jan. 23, 1992. Transparencies (2). Proposed Subdivision of Portion of NE ¼, Section 13-8-22, W4M. Jan. 24, 1992 & nd. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Parcel Y, Plan 5332 GD; Parcel X, Plan 8651 GL; Parcel W, Plan 7649 HD; Street (closed), Plan 7649 HD; Street (closed), Plan 8651 GL; Lot 12, Block 4, Plan 911 0775. Feb. 5, 1992. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 45, Block 9, Plan 9111316. Feb. 25, 1992. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Portion of Lot 1, Block D, Plan 7979 JK. Feb. 28, 1992. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Portion of NW ¼, Section 35-8-22 W4M. Mar. 12, 1992. Diagram. Proposed Subdivision of Portion of NW ¼, Section 35-8-22 W4M. Mar. 18, 1992. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Portion of NE ¼, Section 18-9-21 W4M. Mar. 19, 1992. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of the Easterly 39.93 m. throughout Lot 6, Block 5, Plan 822 FR. Apr. 23, 1992. Diagram. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 13 to 15 incl., Block 2, Plan 265 P. May 19, 1992. Diagram. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 1 – 4, Block 4, Plan 5728 S. May 22, 1992. Diagram. Proposed Subdivision of Parcel A, Plan 7352 GU & Portion of Lot 5, Block 2, Plan 1827 JK. June 4, 1992. Diagram. Proposed Subdivision of Portion of NE ¼, Section 27-8-22-W4M. Feb. 1, 1993. Diagram. Proposed Subdivision of Portion of NW ¼, Section 15-8-21-W4M. Feb. 2, 1993. Diagram. Proposed Subdivision of Portion of Area ‘A’, Plan 8410666 & Portion of North Scenic Drive, Plan 8510153. Nov. 8, 1993. Diagram. Proposed Subdivision of Portion of Area ‘C’, Plan 8410666. Nov. 8, 1993. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision in Portion of North ½ Section 35-8-22-4. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Portion of NW ¼, Section 21-8-21-W4M. Mobile Home Park. Transparencies (2). Proposed Subdivision of Portions of NW ¼, Section 21-8-21-W4M. 24th Avenue South. Mayor Magrath Drive South. Transparencies (2). Proposed Subdivision of Portions of NW ½ , Section 21-8-21-W4M. 24th Avenue South. Mayor Magrath Drive South. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Portion of Block A, Plan 5451L. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Parcel X, Plan 733 GF, Part of Parcel Y, Plan 5332 GD, Portion of the North ½, Sec. 21-8-21. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Parcel Y, Plan 5332 GD & Portion of NW ¼, Section 21-8-21 W4M. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 6, Block 28, Plan 901 0741. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 1, 2 & 3, Block 2, Plan 901 1100. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 4, Plan 1827 JK. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 27, Plan 5387 GI. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Part of Plan RY 157 and a Portion of Block 5, Plan 8711578. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 10, Block 9, Plan 2896 IB. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Portion of S.W. ¼ Sec. 21-8-21-4. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Portion of NE 1/4 , Section 27-8-22 W4M. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Portion of NE 1/4, Section 27-8-22 W4M. & Portion of Lot 27-MR, Block 4, Plan 8011133. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Portion of Lot 6, Block 6, Plan 7911317. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 11-14, Block 1, Plan 820 A.E. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 20, Block 1, Plan 771 0598. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 12, 13 & 14, Block 22, Plan 3529 AA. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 70-74 incl., Block 5, Plan 901 1450. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 12, Block 8, Plan 2624 JK. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 24-27 incl., Block 9, Plan 4160 AA. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 10 and 11, Block 2, Plan 88 GQ. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 7 and 8, Block 5, Plan 6489 Y. Transparencies (4). Proposed Subdivision of Parts of SW ¼ Sec. 17-9-21-4. Transparencies (2). Proposed Subdivision of Portion of the South ½ Sec. 17-9-21-4. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 7 and 8, Block 7, Plan 7910617. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 30, 31, 32 & E ½ of 33, Block 113, Plan 7553 AI. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Portion of Lot 9, Block 4, Plan 851 0592. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 1 & 2, Block 5, Plan 821 0088. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 10-16, Block 155, Plan 406 R. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of a Portion of Lot 33, Block 25, Plan 7710882. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 6, Plan 8210088. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 1, 2, 3 & W ½ of 4, Plan 2932 AA. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Block 3, Plan 8310425 and Lot 17-19, Block 12, Plan 4071 Y. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Block 5B, Plan 8510153. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Portion of NE ¼ Sec. 33, Twp. 8, Rge. 21, W4M. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 1, Block 1, Plan 8710467. Transparencies (2). Proposed Subdivision of Part of Lot 10, Block H, Plan 4353 S. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 49, Block 6, Plan 8710990. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 46, Block 5, Plan 7911317. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 13, Block 6, Plan 8033 JK. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 2, Block 2, Plan 7718 JK. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of East ½ of East ½ of L.S.D 3 and 6, in SW ¼ Section 27-8-21-W4M. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 1-7, Plan 1198 Y. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 105, Block 3, Plan 8710744. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 44, Block 3, Plan 6212 GP. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 21 & 22, Plan 3903 FW. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 33, Block 4, Plan 5656 JK. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 10-21 incl., Block 6, Plan 7911317. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Part of Lots 11-16 incl., Block 1, Plan 590 AI. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 1, Block 5, Plan 7910001. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 69, Block 7, Plan 8110368, Lot R-68, Block 7, Plan 7910001, and a Portion of SW ¼, Sec. 35-8-22-W4M. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 5, 6 & 7, Block 1, Plan 5177 AA. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 1, Block 7, Plan 7910617. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of a Portion of Lot 10, Block H, Plan 4353 S. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 80, Block 7, Plan 7510445. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of a Portion of Lot 4, Block A, Plan 4353 S. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Plan 1354 C, Lots 86, 87, & 88, Excepting the Westerly 10’ throughout Lot 86. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of a Portion of S ½, Sec. 17, Twp. 9, Rge. 21, W4M. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 7, 8 & the West 3.810 m. of 9, Block 22, Plan 3529 AA. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of a Portion of Lot 33, Block 25, Plan 7710882. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 51 & 52, Block 51, Plan 838 Y. Diagram. Proposed Subdivision of a Portion of Sec. 35-8-22-4. Ridgewood Heights – Phase III. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of a Portion of S ½, Sec. 17, Twp. 9, Rge. 22, W4M. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 1-5, Lot 6, Lots 12-22, Block 9, Plan 4353 S. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 17-19, Block 26, Plan 6283 S. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 3-7, Block 9, Plan 7751 AQ. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 10, Block 2, Plan 7570 HA. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 28, Block 2, Plan 6212 GP. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of the South 10’ of Lot 31, All of Lots 32 – 36 & the North 10’ of Lot 37. 13th Street South. 10th Avenue South. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 6, Block 31, Plan 7710705. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 11-MR, Block 6, Plan 7911326 & N ½ Sec. 7-9-21-W4M. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 1-11, Block 67, Plan 4353 S and Lane. Transparency. Subdivision of Scenic View. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 13, Block 2, Plan 8593 GB. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of a Portion of E ½, Sec. 7-9-21-W4M. Transparency. Lands Affected by By-Laws 4194 and 4195. 6th Avenue South. 5th Street South. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 6 & 7, Block 6, Plan 8210884. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 2-4 and 8-10, Block 6, Plan 8210884. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of a Portion of Lots 1 & 2, Block 1, Plan 8710224 and Part of SW ¼, Sec. 13-8-22-W4M. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 3 & 4, Block 28, Plan 8210809. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 1 & 2, Block 14, Plan 6581 HV. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of a Portion of NE ¼, Section 10-8-22-W4M. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision. Blakiston Road West. Rocky Mountain Blvd. Blakiston Pl. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 15, Block 1, Plan 1478 HJ. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 39 & 40, Block 2, Plan 6060 AI. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 11 & 12, Plan 2270 U. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of All of Block 1 & Part of Block Z, Plan 7810657; Lots 12-22 and Lane, Block 21, Plan 4353 S; and Part of Third Avenue South. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 3, Block 1, Plan 8510716. Transparency. Proposed Development of Lots 1-11, Block 21, Plan 4353 S and Lot 23, Block 21, Plan 8510716. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 27 & 28, Plan 1318 E. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision in the River Valley to Complete the Urban Parks Project. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 20, Block 9, Plan 8033 JK. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 60 & 61, and that Portion of Lot 62 Lying to the South of the North 1.0 foot. 9th Street South. 9th Avenue South. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 42, Block 8, Plan 7510991. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 3, 4, & 5, Block 175, Plan 4275 AQ. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 6, Block 6, Plan 8210088. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of a Portion of SE ¼, Section 34-8-22-W4M. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of a Portion of Lot 1, Block 7, Plan 7910001. Transparency. Proposed Land Purchase. 26th Avenue North. Stafford Drive. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of a Portion of Lot 1, Plan 8251 JK. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of a Portion of Lot 5, Plan 179 D. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of a Part of Block 4, Plan 8510153. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 7, Block 2, Plan 4863 IA. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lots 40, 41, 42, Plan 384 B. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 4, Plan 7911350, Road Plan 8110142, and Part of Lot 3, Plan 79100006. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of Lot 1, Block 24, Plan 731093. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision of the South 90m of Lot 4, Block 22, Plan 8111441. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision. Oldman River. Popson Park. University Drive. West Lethbridge. Transparency. Benton Drive. Macleod Drive. Simon Fraser Blvd. West Lethbridge. Transparency. 5th Street South. Sixth Street South. Seventh Street South. Scenic Drive. 9th Avenue South. 8th Avenue South. Transparency. Tudor Crescent. College Drive. Scenic Drive. 26th Avenue South. 27th Avenue South. Transparency. 5th Avenue ‘A’ South. 6th Avenue ‘A’ South. 6th Avenue South. 13th Street South. 14th Street South. Transparency. 12th Avenue North. 9th Avenue North. 28th Street North. 29th Street North. 30th Street North. Transparency. Lafayette Blvd. Columbia Blvd. Berkeley Pl. University Drive.
- 20151050/078 Miscellaneous Work. City of Lethbridge. Oriano. Map and Transparency. General Manufacturing Site. 1st Avenue South. 2nd Avenue South. Scenic Drive South. Transparency. 3rd Avenue North. 2nd Avenue North. 10th Street North. Greenhouse. Storage Shed. Transparency. Lot 10. Block 1. Plan 871 0611. Transparency. Proposed 10 ft. Walkway Easement. Proposed Relocation of Sign. Mayor Magrath Drive South. 14th Avenue South. 16th Avenue South. 26th Street South. Transparency. 35th Street South. 36th Street South. 23rd Avenue South. Transparencies (2). Subject Property. 1107-2 Avenue ‘A’ North. Southerly 286’, Block B, Plan 5221 GJ. Transparency. Subject Property. 242 – 13th Street North. Lot 9, Block 139, Plan 406R. Transparency. Lethbridge Airport Wind Rose. Transparency. 642 – 13th Street North. North Elevation. Proposed Sign. Transparency. Proposed Subdivision. 11th Avenue South. 12th Avenue South. 13th Street South. 14th Street South. Transparency. Mayor Magrath Drive South. 24th Avenue South. North ½ Section 21-8-21. Map. Scenic Drive South. College Drive South. 26th Avenue South. Development Permit Applications Fee Schedule.
- 20151050/079 Annexation Maps. City of Lethbridge. City of Lethbridge Comprehensive Annexation Study. September 1981. Prepared by Reid, Crowther & Partners Ltd. Annexation Population Projections. Population and Household Estimates within Proposed Annexation Boundary – 1980. Transparencies (3) – Proposed Comprehensive Annexation Study Area. Proposed Annexation Area/Joint General Municipal Plan Area (Maps, Transparencies) - December 1982. Recommended Annexation Boundary-Maps (2). Proposed Land Use Districts – County of Lethbridge Land Use Bylaw. Transparency: Rural – Light Industrial. Rural – Agricultural. Urban Fringe. Transparency: Figure 1 – Proposed Level 1 Annexation. Transparency: Figure 2 – Added to Rural Light Industrial by County Council, July 1980. Transparency: Figure 3-Potential Industrial. City of Lethbridge Annexation Proposal. Annexation Area. River Valley in Annexation Area. Population in Annexation Area. Figure 1- Proposed Annexation Area, Joint General Municipal Plan Area. Figure 2 – Annexation Boundary as Presently Proposed. News Release – City of Lethbridge/County of Lethbridge Annexation. January 29, 1982. Annexation Petition. January 21, 1983. New Draft of Land Descriptions Proposed for Schedule “A”. Annexation Approval. Alberta Local Authorities Board Order No. 16670. Order-in-Council 211/84. March 14, 1984. Map – 43rd Street South Annexation. April 25, 1984.
- 20151050/080 Miscellaneous Work. City of Lethbridge. Gary. Map – Village Two Development. West Lethbridge. Map-NW ¼ Section 10-9-21-4. Transparency: 7th Avenue North. 6th Avenue North. 12 Street ‘A’ North. 12 Street ‘B’ North. Map-Direct Control Amendment to Allow Dwellings-Two Unit, Townhouse, Apartment. Portion of Section 18-8-21-W4M. Map-Mayor Magrath Drive. 24th Avenue South. 27th Avenue South. 28th Avenue South. Transparency: Area Which Can Be Serviced with Water & Sewer. Mayor Magrath Drive. 20th Avenue South. Scenic Drive. Map-Ridgewood Heights. Phase 1. Portion of the North ½ of Section 35-8-22-W4M. Transparency-Site Plan. Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4, Block 123, Plan 4353 S. 1304 & 1306 – 6th Avenue South. Transparencies (2)-Proposed Coulee Setback Line. Ridgewood Heights Subdivision. Transparency-Proposed Amendment to Hill Properties Area Structure Plan. Maps (2)-Mountain Heights, Sunrise Estates, River Bend Area Structure Plan Amendment. From Low Density Residential to Government Institutional. Land Use By-Law Amendment. Northeast 2.96 acres of Lot 46, Block 5, Plan 7911317. Map-Portion of NE ¼ Section 33-8-21-W4M. Change in Land Use. From U-R to C-H. Transparencies (4)-5th Avenue ‘A’ South. 13th Street South. 6th Avenue South. Alternative 1. Alternative 2. Alternative 3. Alternative 4. Quotation. Downtown Area Plan, Denver, 1986. Map 2. General Land Use-Lethbridge Annexation Area. Transparencies (5)-Financing, Phasing and Implementation. To Be Completed after Public Meetings. Draft: For Public Discussion. “Low Energy Home Designs”. “Energy Efficient Housing – A Prairie Approach”. “Keeping the Heat In”. Transparency-Land Use Diagram. Burke Boulevard. Macleod Drive. Cascade Boulevard. Rocky Mountain Boulevard. Crandell Crescent. Brazeau Road. Blakiston Road. Lethbridge Annexation Area. Transparencies (5). Map, Paper (1). Map 1 – Existing Land Use Districts. Map 2 – General Land Use. Map 3 – Parcel Size Analysis. Map 4 – Proposed Land Use Districts – N ½ Section 21, Twp 8, Rg. 21. Map 5 – Proposed Land Use Districts – Lethbridge Annexation Area. Title Page – Proposed Land Use Districts. Northwest Industrial Area. Transparencies (5). Land Use Policy Paper – Title Page. Map 1 – Study Area. Map 2 – Sub-Areas. Map 4 – Proposed Land Use Districts Sub-Area B. Map 3 – Proposed Road Network in the Vicinity of the Railway Relocation Lands and Crowsnest Corridor. Map 4 – Proposed Land Use Districts. Churchill Industrial Park. Transparencies (4). Figure 1 – Area Considered for Re-Subdivision. Figure 2 – Option 1. Figure 3 – Option 2. Figure 4 – Option 3. Proposed Land Use District Arrangement. Transparencies (2). Figure 2 – December 12, 1980. Figure 2 – January 20, 1981. Westbridge – Designed for Total Living (Transparency). Review of the Village Concept. Title Page (Transparency). Bar Graphs (Transparency). Mobile Home Areas. Dalhousie Court Area. Parkview. Bridge Villa Estates. City of Lethbridge General Municipal Plan. Figure 2-21- Expansion Areas. Figure 3-1 – Area Redevelopment & Structure Plans. Community & Regional Shopping Malls. Lethbridge, Alberta. Transparency. Diagram (Transparency). Kings Road. 300 Kings Bay. 200 Kings Bay. Legend (Transparency). Soft Landscaping. Semi-Soft Landscaping. Hard Landscaping. Building. Auto Parking & Circulation. Land Use Maps (Paper, 5) – City of Lethbridge. Diagram (Transparency). 18th Avenue North. 9th Avenue North. 36th Street North. 43rd Street North
- 20151050/081 Miscellaneous Work. City of Lethbridge. Helen. City of Lethbridge – A Historical Tour. Alex Johnston. Development Area. Transparencies (2). 24th Avenue South. Mayor Magrath Drive South. 28th Street South. April 12, 1981. River Valley Area Redevelopment Plan. Diagrams (2). Transparencies (2). River Valley Redevelopment Area. Area to be Deleted from Valleyview/Uplands. Valleyview/Uplands Area Structure Plan. Potential Sites for Relocation of Fire Hall No. 3. Scenic Drive. Tudor Boulevard. College Drive. 28th Street South. Ducan Industries Ltd. 443-10th Street North. Transparency. Maps (3). Location of Lethbridge in Canada. Methods of Cost Recovery of Different Types of Services (Transparency). Treatment Plants. Reservoir & Distribution Trunks. Water Mains & Service Connections. Vacant City Owned Parcel (Transparency). 11 Avenue South. Henderson Lake Blvd. 30th Street South. 31st Street South. 3rd Avenue South Extension. Profile. Transparencies (2). Scenic Drive. Cross Sections (Transparency). Original Ground Level. Existing Ground Level. City of Lethbridge Development Services (Transparencies – 6). Approved by Subdivision Review Committee. 15m R.O.W. Local Road – Aug. 5, 1987. 31m R.O.W. Uplands Blvd. N. – Aug. 5, 1987. 23m R.O.W. Local Road Uplands Blvd. N. – Aug. 5, 1987. 26th Avenue North, 18th Street to 23rd Street North – Sept. 17, 1987. 26th Avenue North, 23rd Street to 28th Street North – Sept. 17, 1987. 28th Street North, 18th Avenue to 26th Avenue North – Sept. 17, 1987. Area Proposed for Redesignation from Medium Density Residential to Government Institutional (Transparency). Macleod Drive West. Mt. Burke Blvd. West. Blakiston Road West. 13th Street North – Business Revitalization Zone (Paper Diagram, Transparency). Potential Residential Areas (Paper Diagram, Transparency). Mayor Magrath Drive. Highway #4. Scenic Drive. Potential Mobile Home Park. Transparencies (2). Macleod Drive. Crandell Crescent. Brazeau Road. Crandell Bay. Lots 1-7, 27, 28, 31-35, 37, Block 8. Lots 10-19, Block 6. Lots 1-8, Block 9. Proposed Subdivision – Henry Homes Ltd. (Transparency). Scenic Drive. 24th Avenue South. Proposed Site Plan (Transparencies – 2). 6th Avenue South. 6th Street South. 7th Avenue South. Proposed Land Closure. Proposed Lane Closures (Diagrams – 3, Transparency - 1). 4th Avenue North & 13th Street North. 9th Avenue South, 9th Avenue ‘A’ South, 16th Street South & 17th Street South. 13th Street South, 14th Street South & 9th Avenue ‘A’ South. Plan 4353S, Block 5. Proposed Road Closures (Diagram, Transparency). Portion of the Road Allowance Adjoining the North Boundary of Section 24-8-22-W4M. North Lethbridge, Beaverbrook Road & Bluefox Blvd. North. Properties Requiring Address Change (Transparency). Bluefox Blvd. North. Beaverbrook. 13th Street North. Uplands Boulevard North. Former Road Alignment. Diagram. Subject Property: Lot 105, Block 3, Plan 8710744. Scenic Drive. College Drive. Diagram. Subject Property: 3604/3710-18th Avenue North. Palliser Distillers (Transparency). Lot 19, Block 9, Plan 7710884. 1205 – 31st Street North. Diagrams (3). Area to be Deleted from Downtown Phase II Redevelopment Area. Area to be Deleted from Railway Relocation Lands Redevelopment Area. Area to be Deleted from London Road Neighbourhood Redevelopment Area. Transparency. Subject Property: Lot 105, Block 3, Plan 8710744. Scenic Drive South. College Drive South. Tudor Crescent South. Transparency. Approximate Area Available for Development. Highway 5. Scenic Drive. Highway 4. Transparency. 3rd Avenue South. 4th Avenue South. 8th Street South. Stafford Drive South. Transparency. Downtown Lethbridge. 1st Avenue South. 6th Avenue South. Scenic Drive. Stafford Drive. Transparency. Mayor Magrath Drive South. 10th Avenue ‘A’ South. Car Parking Spaces. Transparency. North Scenic Drive. Stafford Drive North. 26th Avenue North. Contour Diagram. 31st Street North. 24th Avenue North.
- 20151050/082 Miscellaneous Work. City of Lethbridge. Tash. Diagram. 28th Avenue North. 24th Avenue South. Scenic Drive. 43rd Street. Pratt and Whitney Plant Site. Sven Ericksen’s. Diagram. 26th Avenue North. 9th Avenue North. 28th Street North. 43rd Street North. Alberta Transportation Site. Electric Easement. Proposed Closure of 2nd Avenue South (Transparencies – 2). Scenic Drive. 1st Avenue South. 3rd Avenue South. December 17, 1990. West Lethbridge Study Area: Mountain Heights, Sunrise Estates, River Bend Area Structure Plan (Transparencies – 2, Aerial Photo.). Figure 1.2. Proposed Land Uses. Highways 4 & 5 Area Structure Plan. (Diagrams – 2). Future Residential/Highway Commercial. Parkside Holdings Ltd. Preferred Mortgage & Investment Corporation. Fairview Development Corporation. Document (5 pages) - Proposal, Background, Benefits of New Hotel, Offer by Developer, Problem with Current Offer.
- 20151050/083 Miscellaneous Work. City of Lethbridge. Dan. Paper Diagram. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 10th Street North. Bullock’s Auto Body. E.B.A. Engineering. ALH Properties. Active Auto Body. Bow Tie Auto Parts. Triangle Wood Products. LA Auto Care. A-Ray Climate Systems. Transparency. West Lethbridge. Mountain Heights – Phase No. 3. January 8, 1991. Transparency. West Lethbridge. Village Two Development N.T.S. Potential School Sites. March 12, 1991. Transparency. City of Lethbridge. First Avenue South. Fourth Avenue South. Scenic Drive. Third Street South. Proposed Road Closure. September 10, 1991. Transparency. Lethbridge Downtown Area. Fire Hall. Chancery Court. Provincial Court House. Southland Terrace. Transparency. North Lethbridge. Stafford Drive North. 13th Street North. 13th Avenue North. 10th Avenue North. January 29, 1991. Transparency. South Lethbridge. 7th Avenue South. 6th Street South. Area to be Purchased. February 22, 1991. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 18th Street “A” North. 20th Street North. 9th Avenue North. 6th Avenue “A” North. Rideau Court. March 13, 1991. Transparency. West Lethbridge. University Drive West. Edgewood Blvd. West. 100 Sherwood Place. Municipal Reserve. April 16, 1991. Transparency. South Lethbridge. Dieppe Blvd. South. Normandy Road. Corvette Crescent. Dunkirk Street. May 29, 1991. Transparency. South Lethbridge. Skyline Travel Centre. 2325 – 43rd Street South. September 25, 1991. Transparency. Development Applications & Building Permits Form. Transparencies (2). Diagrams. Typical Lot Layout. Zero Lot Line. Comprehensive Siting Plan. March 6, 1991. Transparencies (2). Proposed Free-Standing Sign. 610-30th North. Proposed Safeway Billboard. Existing Hook Sign Billboard. Transparencies (3). South Lethbridge. 701 – 7 Avenue South. Lot 1, Block _, Plan 6753ER.
- 20151050/084 Miscellaneous Work. City of Lethbridge. Dianne. Diagram (Paper). Highways 4 & 5 Area Structure Plan Boundaries. Diagram (Paper). City of Lethbridge. Hospital and Area. Diagram (Paper). Elrich Tire Ltd. North Elevation. East Elevation. West Elevation. Diagram (Paper). West Lethbridge. Proposed Golf Course. Diagram (Paper). North Lethbridge. St. James Terrace Outline Plan. Neighbourhood Unit #1. Diagram (Paper). Lot 1, Plan 7743 JK. Canadian Pacific Railway. Diagram (Paper). Typical Steps to Establishing a Business in Lethbridge. Form (Paper). City of Lethbridge. Check List. Subdivision Applications. Diagram (Paper). Fill Area. 1-Behind Lodge. 2-Rail Relocation Land. 3-North of Dave Elton Park. Right of Way Crowsnest Trail. Diagram (Paper). Area to be Removed from Restricted Development Area. Fifth Avenue North. Crowsnest Trail. Diagram (Paper), Transparency. Notes re Meeting of Property Owners. Existing Property Lines Showing Proposed Roadway. Dieppe Boulevard South. Corvette Crescent South. November 9. 1983. Transparencies (3). West Lethbridge. Kings Crescent. Kings Road. Kings Bay. Tudor Road. Non-Buildable Area in Accordance with Department of Environment. Diagram (Paper), Transparency. East ¼ Section 2-9-22-W4M. Highway No. 3. Highway No. 3A. Environmental Reserve. Transparency. City of Lethbridge. Galt No. 6 Mine. Safe Development Line. Boundary of Workings. Transparencies (3). North Lethbridge. Phase 1. Phase 2a. Phase 2b. Phase 3a. Uplands Boulevard. Beaverbrook. Beaverrun. Beaverpont. Bobcat Place. Bluefox. Ermineglen. Erminedale. Erminerun. Ermineview. Transparency. City of Lethbridge. Mayor Magrath Drive South. Parking Stalls. Transparency. South Lethbridge. 11th Street South. 3rd Avenue South. Peking Gardens. Parking Stalls. Transparency. South Lethbridge. 3rd Avenue South. 17th Street South. Existing Building. Proposed Tent. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 9rd Avenue North. Existing Church Building. Proposed Addition. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 23rd Street North. Proposed Garage. Proposed Addition. Transparency. City of Lethbridge. Proposed Division Line. Transparency. South Lethbridge. 13th Street South. 13th Avenue South. Proposed Subdivision Line. Transparency. South Lethbridge. Parkside Drive. South Parkside Drive. 43rd Street South. C.P.R. Transparency. South Lethbridge. 9th Street South. 9th Avenue South. Transparency. North Lethbridge. Proposed Condominium Plan of a Portion of Lot 27, Block 206, 731654. Transparency. South Lethbridge. Proposed Condominium Plan of a Portion of Lots 9 & 10, Block 1, Plan 88 GQ. Transparency. West Lethbridge. Proposed Subdivision of the East ½ of Section 35, Twp. 8, Rge. 22, W4M. Ridgewood Heights. Phase II. Revised. 18/09/84, 28/09/84, 24/10/84. Form (Transparency). City of Lethbridge. Planning Department. Application for a Condominium Certificate, Conversion Condominiums. Transparency. City of Lethbridge. Planning and Development Department. Interdepartmental Circulation List for Subdivision Applications. Transparency. South Lethbridge. Leaside Avenue. 5th Street South. Transparency. West Lethbridge. University Drive. Whoop-Up Drive. Area of Proposed Property Acquisition. Transparencies (2). West Lethbridge. Subdivision of Ridgewood Heights. Phase II. As Proposed for Final Approval. As Approved by M.P.C.
- 20151050/085 Miscellaneous Work. City of Lethbridge. Diagrams, Paper (2) & Transparency. City of Lethbridge Land Use Summary – Southern Portion. DC-Direct Control. R-L-Low Density Residential. UR-Urban Reserve District. V-Valley District. Graph. Participation Rates (Work Force Participation?). Alberta. Canada. Lethbridge. 1901 – 1996. Diagram, Paper. Coal Mines of the Lethbridge District, 1874-1982. Diagrams, Paper (3). City Hall. Fire Escape Plan. Top Floor. Main Floor. Basement Floor. Diagrams, Paper (5). Oldman River Region. General Patterns of Land Use. Soil Capability for Agriculture. System of Sub-Regions. Regional Transportation System. Diagram, Paper. City of Lethbridge. City Centre. Purchasing and Stores. City Administration. City Hall. Diagram, Paper. West Lethbridge. Columbia Blvd. Temple Crescent. Proposed School Site. Transparencies (2). Council Submission Letters. Council Submission Numbers. Logos (Paper & Transparencies). West Lethbridge. Ridgewood Heights. Indian Battle Heights. Forms (Transparencies – 2). City of Lethbridge. Detached Garage or Shed over 10m². Service Agreement. Notices (Transparencies – 2). City of Lethbridge. City Staff Mustache Growing Contest for Whoop-Up-Days. Senior Citizen Dog Owners – 1 Free Dog License. Transparency. Relationship between Plans. Regional Plan. General Municipal Plan. Area Structure Plan. Area Redevelopment Plan. Subdivision Plans. Village Two Development (Diagram, Paper & Transparency). West Lethbridge. Land Use Classification Guide Map. Village II and IIA – Indian Battle Heights. Transparency. South Lethbridge. Neighbourhood Commercial Site. Lot 13, Block 14, Plan 7711335. Development and Design Guidelines. Forestry Avenue. Cedar Road. Elm Crescent. Transparencies (3). South Lethbridge. 43rd Street South. Highway 3. C.P.R. 32nd Street South. 34th Street South. 3rd Avenue South. Leaside Avenue. Transparency. Proposed Lane Closure. South Lethbridge. 13th Street South. 14th Street South. 9th Avenue ‘A’ South. Transparency. City of Lethbridge. Arterial. Future Arterial. Transparency. West Lethbridge. Reserve to be Disposed for Multi-Family Purposes. Reserve to be Disposed for Road Purposes. Proposed Willowbrook Shopping Centre. Mike Mountain Horse School. Horizon Village. Transparencies (2). South Lethbridge. Mayor Magrath Drive South. Fairway Street South. Fairways Boulevard South. Parking Spaces. April 8, 1991. Transparency. South Lethbridge. Land Proposed for Sale. Lot 1, Block 4, Plan 821 0667. Transparencies (2). Placement of Buildings on Lots. Setback from Street. Transparency. Development Services Department Hierarchy. Development Services Manager. Planning Director. Planning Superintendent. Subdivision Officer. Technician III. Technician II. Design Planner. Planner I. Development Planner. Planning Assistant II. Planning Assistant I. Clerk Typist III. Transparency. South Lethbridge. Scenic Drive South. Third Street South. Third Avenue South. Fourth Avenue South. Transparency. South Lethbridge. 13th Street South. 10th Avenue South. Transparencies (2). West Lethbridge. NW ¼ Section 35-8-22-W4M. NE ¼ Section 34-8-22-W4M. Area to be Purchased from Marathon. Area to be Purchased from Quintra. Area to be Sold to Quintra. Present University Drive. Proposed Road Plan. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 36th Street North. 39th Street North. 18th Avenue North. 24th Avenue North. Portion to be Sold to Space Place. Transparency. Downtown Lethbridge. Scenic Drive South. Stafford Drive. Third Street South. 1st Avenue South. 6th Avenue South. Galt Gardens. Brewery. Lodge. Galt Museum. Lethbridge Centre. City Hall. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 2 Diagrams. Lot 14, Block 155, Plan 406R. Lots 13 thru 15, Block 146, Plan 406R. Transparency. 4 Diagrams. Pre 1975 Junction at Cardston. Current Junction at Cardston. Current Junction at Fort Macleod. Proposed Junction at Fort Macleod. Transparencies (2). City of Lethbridge. Calendar- 1989 (May – December), 1990 (January – August). Dates of Meetings. Council Meeting. Nomination Day. Election Day. Finance Committee – Budget Meeting. Conferences. Council Retreat. Council Seminars. Transparency. South Lethbridge. Stafford Drive South. 10th Street South. 1st Avenue South. 2nd Avenue South. Proposed Lane Closure. Transparency. North Lethbridge. Stafford Drive North. 7th Street North. 10th Street North. 3rd Avenue North. 2nd Avenue ‘A’ North. Crowsnest Trail. C.P.R. Area to be Closed. Transparency. Old Man River Area. Riverbottom Campground. Highway #3. Highway 3A. Elizabeth Hall Wetlands. Nature Reserve. Par 3 Golf Course. Proposed Road Closure. Transparency. South Lethbridge. Scenic Drive. 4th Street South. 1st Avenue South. 4th Avenue South. McDonald’s Restaurant. Wendy’s Restaurant. Lethbridge Brewery. Lethbridge Lodge. Transparency. North Lethbridge. Lot 9, Block 15, Plan 8110972. 28th Street North. 31st Street North. 12th Avenue North. 9th Avenue North. CFAC-TV. Palliser Distillers. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 13th Street North. 26th Avenue North. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 31st Street North. 33rd Street North. 16th Avenue North. 12th Avenue North. Lots 4, 5, & 6, Block 9, Plan 7710884. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 31st Street North. 28th Street North. 26th Avenue North. 16th Avenue North. Lot 7, Block 2, Plan 7710509. Hanlon AG Centre – Lot 10, Block 2, Plan 8110969. Transparency. South Lethbridge. 18th Street South. 20th Street South. Crowsnest Trail. 5th Avenue South. Proposed Restaurant. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 31st Street North. 43rd Street North. 26th Avenue North. 9th Avenue North. Proposed Purchase. Premiere Grain Co. Ltd. Transparencies (2). City of Lethbridge. Proposed Tower. Site Plan. Highway No. #3 West. Highway No. #25 North. Transparency. South Lethbridge. Scenic Drive South. 2nd Avenue South. 4th Avenue South. Shell Gas Bar. Wendy’s. Lethbridge Brewery. Motel Magic. Lethbridge Lodge. Proposed Building. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 13th Street North. Stafford Drive North. 6th Avenue North. Crowsnest Trail. Transparency. North Lethbridge. Hardieville. Former City Limits. Transparencies (2). South Lethbridge. 3rd Avenue South. 4th Avenue South. 11th Street South. 12th Street South. Lethbridge Nissan. Lethbridge Nissan Car Lot. Closed Lane. Transparency. South Lethbridge. 43rd Street South. 24th Avenue South. 5620 – 24th Avenue South. Transparency. Central Lethbridge. 5th Street. 13th Street. 5th Avenue North. 6th Avenue South. City of Lethbridge (910-4th Avenue South). Alberta Government Telephones (808-4th Avenue South). Electric Inspections, Stores, Water Department (280-5th Street North). Canadian Western Natural Gas (410 Stafford Driven North). Lethbridge Cablenet (1232-3rd Avenue South). Transparencies (2). Map of North America. Map of Alberta. Lethbridge. Edmonton. Calgary. Transparencies (2). West Lethbridge. University Drive. Micmac Boulevard. Edgewood Boulevard. Wildwood Road. Sherwood. Ridgewood. Crestwood. Transparency. Diagram. Traffic Control Gate. Transparency. South Lethbridge. Scenic Drive South. 3rd Street South. 2nd Avenue South. 3rd Avenue South. Klovansky. Ruryk & Harris. Pashkowich & Marquardson. Pitt. Melos Enterprises. Pisco. Bruchet. Forester Mah Enterprises Ltd. Transparency. South Lethbridge. 10th Street South. 11th Street South. 3rd Avenue South. 4th Avenue South. 1010 – 3rd Avenue South. Lots 4 & 5, Block 37, Plan 4353 S. Transparency. South Lethbridge. Crowsnest Trail. Canadian Pacific Railway to Coutts. 32nd Street South. 43rd Street South. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 26th Avenue North. 19th Avenue North. 18th Street North. Transparency. Lethbridge and Area. Bylaw 3885. High Pressure Gas Main. Transparency. City of Lethbridge and Area. Transparencies (7). Unlabeled lot diagrams. Transparencies (2). Unlabeled subdivision diagrams. Transparency. Unlabeled building diagram. Paper (2). Transparencies (2). Title pages. City of Lethbridge. Land Use By-Law No. 3574. 1984 Annexation. Direct Control – By-Law Amendments. Legend Page – North Lethbridge, South Lethbridge, West Lethbridge.
- 20151050/086 Amendments to Land Use By-Law #4100 Transparency. North Lethbridge. From IB (Industrial Business) to IG (General Industrial). Lot 12, Block 6, Plan 7710884. November 20, 1990. Transparency. South Lethbridge. From UR (Urban Reserve) to RL (Low Density Residential). Lots 1-5 Inclusive, Plan 1827 JK. Lot A, Plan 7352 GU November 28, 1990. Transparency. South Lethbridge. From DC (Direct Control) to CH (Highway Commercial). Block X, Plan 8651 GL. Block W, Plan 7649 HD. November 28, 1990. Transparency. West Lethbridge. University Drive. Benton Drive. From UR (Urban Reserve) to C-N (Neighbourhood Commercial), P-B (Public Building), R-L (Low Density Residential), R-MH (Mobile Home), R-50 (Medium Density Residential), R-75 (Medium Density Residential). January 29, 1991. Transparencies (2). West Lethbridge. University Drive. Benton Drive. Macleod Drive. From Government Institutional to Low Density Residential. January 29, 1991. Transparency. South Lethbridge. From R-L (Low Density Residential) to DC (Direct Control). Lot 1, Block 20, Plan 628 S. January 29, 1991. Transparency. South Lethbridge. From UR (Urban Reserve) to R-50 (Medium Density Residential). Lots 1 - 17, Plan 6559 GQ. March 8, 1991. Transparency. West Lethbridge. From R-37 (Medium Density Residential) to R-L (Low Density Residential). Lot 12, Block 4, Plan 7911317. March 12, 1991. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 13th Street North. 5th Avenue North. From R-L (Low Density Residential) to P-B (Public Building). Lots 50 & 51, Block 1, Plan 7625 FS. March 28, 1991. Transparency. South Lethbridge. 4th Street South. 6th Avenue ‘A’ South. From R-37 (Medium Density Residential) to D-C (Direct Control). Lot A, Plan 3670 FO. April 8, 1991. Transparency. West Lethbridge. University Drive. Ridgewood Heights. From UR (Urban Reserve) to R-L (Low Density Residential). Portion of NW ¼ Section 35-8-22-4. April 12, 1991. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 16th Street North. 5th Avenue North. From R-L (Low Density Residential) to R-150 (Medium Density Residential). S49’ of W130’ of 19, Plan 625 C. April 15, 1991. Transparency. West Lethbridge. University Drive West. Heritage Boulevard. Heritage Close West. From UR (Urban Reserve) to R-L (Low Density Residential). Portion of NW ¼ Section 35-8-22-4. April 19, 1991. Diagram (Paper). South Lethbridge. 7th Street ‘A’ South. Scenic Drive South. From R-L (Low Density Residential) to R-100 (High Density Residential). Lot 1, Block 5, Plan 6120 HF. May 21, 1991. Transparency. West Lethbridge. Jerry Potts Boulevard. Red Crow Boulevard. Iroquois Crescent West. From R-75 (Medium Density Residential) to R-L (Low Density Residential). Lot 1, Block 5, Plan 791 0001, Excepting Subdivision Plan 891 1196. June 19, 1991. Transparencies (2). West Lethbridge. Red Crow Boulevard. Ojibwa Road West. From PR (Park and Recreation District) to R-L (Low Density Residential). From C-L (Local Commercial District) to R-L (Low Density Residential). Portion of NE ¼ Section 27-8-22-4. June 27, 1991. August 29, 1991. Transparency. West Lethbridge. Jerry Potts Boulevard. Red Crow Boulevard. Ojibwa Road West. Whoop-Up Drive. From PR (Park and Recreation District) to R-L (Low Density Residential). From C-L (Local Commercial District) to R-L (Low Density Residential). Portion of NE ¼ Section 27-8-22-4. July 8, 1991. Transparency. West Lethbridge. Jerry Potts Boulevard. Red Crow Boulevard. Ojibwa Road West. Whoop-Up Drive. From R-L (Low Density Residential) to R-CM (Comprehensively Planned Medium Density Residential District). Portion of NE ¼ Section 27-8-22-4. August 30, 1991. Transparency. South Lethbridge. Mayor Magrath Drive South. 6th Avenue South. From R-L (Low Density Residential) to D-C (Direct Control). East 12’ of Lot 2 and all of Lots 3 & 4, Block 1, Plan 8593 GB. August 27, 1991. Transparency. South Lethbridge. 13th Street South. 6th Avenue South. 6th Avenue ‘A’ South. From R-L (Low Density Residential) to P-B (Public Building). Lots 4, East 5’ of Lot 3, W 15’ of 5, Plan 3740U. November 19, 1991. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 43rd Street North. 26th Avenue North. From I-G (General Industrial) to I-H (Heavy Industrial). Lot 4, Block 1, Plan 861 1098. From UR (Urban Reserve) to I-H (Heavy Industrial). Portion of Lot 2, Block 1, Plan 811 0727. December 3, 1991. Transparency. West Lethbridge. Jerry Potts Boulevard West. Lakhota Crescent. From R-75 (Medium Density Residential) to R-50 (Medium Density Residential). Portion of NE ¼ Section 27-8-22-W4M & Portion of Lot 27, Block 4, Plan 801 1133. December 4, 1991. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 12th Street ‘A’ North. 12th Street ‘B’ North. 10th Avenue North. 9th Avenue North. From R-L (Low Density Residential) to R-50 (Medium Density Residential). Lot 3, Block 3, Plan 5889 GW. December 10, 1991. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 16th Street North. 17th Street North. 15th Avenue North. 14th Avenue North. From R-L (Low Density Residential) to R-75 (Medium Density Residential). Lot 30, Block 3, Plan 4420 JK. December 11, 1991. Transparency. West Lethbridge. Jerry Potts Boulevard West. Red Crow Boulevard West. Ojibwa Road West. Whoop-Up Drive. From R-L (Low Density Residential) to R-CM (Comprehensively Planned Medium Density Residential). Lots 101A to 108B inclusive, Block 1, Plan 9112156 & Lots 26A to 34B inclusive, Block 2, Plan 9112156. January 14, 1992. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 13th Street North. 14th Street North. 2nd Avenue North. 1st Avenue North. From C-G (General Commercial) to R-37 (Medium Density Residential). Lots 12-19 inclusive, Block A, Plan 625C. January 28, 1992. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 7th Street North. 8th Street North. 12nd Avenue North. 10th Avenue North. From R-L (Low Density Residential) to R-37 (Medium Density Residential). Lot 17 & South 2’ of 18, Block 2, Plan 6212 GP. February 11, 1992. Transparency. West Lethbridge. Highway 25. University Drive. Highway 3A. From UR (Urban Reserve) to DC (Direct Control). Portion of SE ¼, Section 3-9-22-W4M. February 25, 1992. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 15th Street North. 16th Street North. 2nd Avenue North. 2nd Avenue ‘A’ North. From R-L (Low Density Residential) to R-60 (Medium Density Residential). Lots 23, 24, & South ½ of 25, Block C, Plan 625C. February 25, 1992. Transparency. West Lethbridge. Macleod Drive West. Mount Alderson Crescent West. Burke Boulevard West. Mount Blakiston Road West. From R-CM (Comprehensively Planned Medium Density Residential) to R-37 (Medium Density Residential). Lot 60, Block 2, Plan 791 1317. March 16, 1992. Transparency. South Lethbridge. 13th Street South. 14th Street South. 15th Street South. 9th Avenue South. 10th Avenue South. From P-B (Public Building) to DC (Direct Control). From R-L (Low Density Residential) to DC (Direct Control). April 22, 1992. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 7th Street North. 8th Street North. 1130-8th Street North. From R-L (Low Density Residential) to R-60 (Medium Density Residential). Lot 42, Block 2, Plan 6212 GP. May 6, 1992. Diagram (Paper). North Lethbridge. 7th Street North. 8th Street North. 9th Street North. 10th Avenue North. 12 Avenue North. From R-37 (Medium Density Residential) to DC (Direct Control). Lot 17 & South 2’ of 18, Block 2, Plan 6212 GP. May 20, 1992. Diagrams (Paper - 3). West Lethbridge. University Drive. Berkeley Place. Lafayette Boulevard. Columbia Boulevard. From P-B (Public Building) to R-37 (Medium Density Residential). From P-B (Public Building) to DC (Direct Control). Portion of Lot 1, Block 7, Plan 751 0445. June 15, 1992. July 22, 1992. July 23, 192 [sic]. Diagram (Paper). South Lethbridge. 17th Street ‘A’ South. 18th Street South. 10th Avenue South. 10th Avenue ‘A’ South. From R-L (Low Density Residential) to DC (Direct Control). Lots 1-8 inclusive, Block F, Plan 632S. June 15, 1992. Diagram (Paper). North Lethbridge. 36th Street North. 6th Avenue North. From I-G (General Industrial) to I-B (Business Industrial). Lot 13 excluding the South 200’, Block 12, Plan 761 0495. June 15, 1992. Diagram (Paper). South Lethbridge. 15th Street ‘A’ South. 16th Street South. 17th Street South. 9th Avenue South. 9th Avenue ‘A’ South. From R-L (Low Density Residential) to R-75 (Medium Density Residential). Lot 11 & South 20.76’ of Lot 10, Plan 2712 AE, & North 9.9’ of Lot 43, Plan 5299 AA, and Lot 42 & North 14’ of Lot 41 & South 17.1’ of Lot 43, Plan 5299 AA. July 17, 1992. Transparency. South Lethbridge. Highway 5. 43rd Street South. Six Mile Coulee. Airport. 4030-43 Street South. From UR (Urban Reserve) to DC (Direct Control). Portion of LSD 13 NW ¼, Section 15-8-21 W4M. November 18, 1992. Diagram (Paper). West Lethbridge. Heritage Boulevard West. Edgewood Boulevard West. Coachwood Point. Coachwood Road. From P-R (Park and Recreation) to R-L (Low Density Residential). Portion of NW ½, Section 35-8-22-W4M. December 15, 1992. Diagram (Paper). South Lethbridge. 17th Street South. 18th Street South. 5th Avenue South. 6th Avenue South. From P-B (Public Building) to R-75 (Medium Density Residential). Lot 46, Block 118, Plan 8010047. January 12, 1993. Diagram (Paper). North Lethbridge. 13th Street North. Erminedale Boulevard North. Uplands Boulevard North. Bluefox Boulevard North. From UR (Urban Reserve) to R-L (Low Density Residential). Portion of SW ¼, Section 17-9-21-4. January 22, 1993. Diagrams (Paper - 2). West Lethbridge. Jerry Potts Boulevard West. Lakhota Crescent West. Red Crow Boulevard. From UR (Urban Reserve) to R-CM (Comprehensively Planned Medium Density Residential). From R-L (Low Density Residential) to R-CM (Comprehensively Planned Medium Density Residential). Portion of NE ¼, Section 27-8-22-W4M. January 26, 1993. February 18, 1993. Transparency. South Lethbridge. Highway 5. 43rd Street South. Six Mile Coulee. Airport. 4805-Mayor Magrath Drive South. From UR (Urban Reserve) to DC (Direct Control). Portion of NW ¼, Section 16-8-21 W4M. March 9, 1993. Diagram (Paper). South Lethbridge. 24th Street South. Mayor Magrath Drive South. 12th Avenue South. 13th Avenue South. From R-L (Low Density Residential) to P-B (Public Building). West 15’ of Lot 2 & East 35’ of Lot 3, Block 4, Plan 2786HH. March 23, 1993. Diagram (Paper). South Lethbridge. 17th Street South. 17th Street ‘A’ South. 18th Street South. 10th Avenue South. 10th Avenue ‘A’ South. From R-L (Low Density Residential) to DC (Direct Control). Lots 9 & 10, Block F, Plan 632S. March 23, 1993. Diagram (Paper). West Lethbridge. University Drive. Jerry Potts Boulevard West. From UR (Urban Reserve) to DC (Direct Control). SE ¼, Section 33-8-22-W4M. April 6, 1993. Diagram (Paper). North Lethbridge. Stafford Drive North. North Scenic Drive. 26th Avenue North. Bridge Villa Estates. Proposed Land Use Zoning for St. James Terrace. Portion of NE ¼, Section 7-9-21-W4M. April 21, 1993. Diagram (Paper). South Lethbridge. 43rd Street South. 10th Avenue South. 24th Avenue South. Highway #4. From UR (Urban Reserve) to DC (Direct Control). SE ¼, Section 27-8-21-W4M. April 21, 1993. Diagram (Paper). West Lethbridge. University Drive West. Heritage Boulevard West. From UR (Urban Reserve) to R-L (Low Density Residential). Portion of NW ¼, Section 35-8-22-W4M. April 21, 1993. Diagram (Paper). South Lethbridge. 24th Street South. Mayor Magrath Drive South. 12th Avenue South. 13th Avenue South. From R-L (Low Density Residential) to PB (Public Building). Lots 1-4 inclusive, Block 4, Plan 2786HH. May 14, 1993. Diagram (Paper). West Lethbridge. University Drive West. Macleod Drive West. Rocky Mountain Boulevard West. From R-MH (Mobile Home) to R-L (Low Density Residential). Lot 2, Block 10, Plan 9111700. May 14, 1993. Diagram (Paper). West Lethbridge. Columbia Boulevard West. Oxford Road West. From R-75 (Medium Density Residential) to R-L (Low Density Residential). Lot 74, Block 26, Plan 7910172. May 14, 1993. Diagram (Paper). South Lethbridge. Mayor Magrath Drive South. Highway #5. Scenic Drive. From UR (Urban Reserve) to C-H (Highway Commercial). Portion of NW ¼, Section 21-8-21-W4M. May 18, 1993. Diagram (Paper). South Lethbridge. 28th Street South. Highway #5. From UR (Urban Reserve) to C-H (Highway Commercial). From C-H (Highway Commercial) to DC (Direct Control). From UR (Urban Reserve) to DC (Direct Control). Block 3, Plan 9110538 & Portion of SW ¼, Section 21-8-21-W4M. May 18, 1993. Diagram (Paper). North Lethbridge. 21st Street North. 23rd Street North. North Mayor Magrath Drive. 5th Avenue ‘A’ North. 5th Avenue North. From P-B (Public Building) to C-H (Highway Commercial). Portion of Lot 1, Block 4, Plan 7911320. July 13, 1993. Transparency. South Lethbridge. 28th Street South. Mayor Magrath Drive South. 20th Avenue South. Scenic Drive. Highway #4. From UR (Urban Reserve) to C-H (Highway Commercial). From UR (Urban Reserve) to R-MH (Mobile Home). Portion of NW ¼, Section 21-8-21 W4M. Diagram (Paper).Transparencies (2). South Lethbridge. 28th Street South. Mayor Magrath Drive South. 36th Avenue South. From UR (Urban Reserve) to DC (Direct Control District). Transparency. South Lethbridge. 6th Street South. 7A Street South. Scenic Drive South. 11th Avenue South. From R-L (Low Density Residential) to P-R (Park and Recreation). Portion of Block 29, Plan 7603 JK and Right of Way Plan 7879 JK as shown. Transparency. South Lethbridge. Mayor Magrath Drive South. 27th Street South. 28th Street South. 11th Avenue South. 12th Avenue South. From R-L (Low Density Residential) to C-H (Highway Commercial). Lots 7-9, Block 2, Plan 88 GQ. Transparency. South Lethbridge. College Drive South. Tudor Crescent South. Scenic Drive South. 27th 27th Avenue South. Proposed Rezoning of Block 3, Plan 8310425 and Lot 17-19, Block 12, Plan 4071Y. From UR (Urban Reserve) & R-RL to R-L (Low Density Residential), P-B (Public Building) and P-R (Park and Recreation). Transparency. South Lethbridge. Highway No. 5. 6 Mile Coulee. DC – Direct Control District. Portions of Legal Subdivision 14 in the NW ¼, Section 16, Township 8, Range 21, W4M. East of No. 5 Highway on Plans 5510 HX and 6331 JK. Transparency. South Lethbridge. 8th Street South. Stafford Drive. 1st Avenue South. 2nd Avenue South. From C-G (General Commercial) to C-D (Downtown Commercial). Lots 1-22, Block 9, Plan 4353 S. Transparency. South Lethbridge. 15h Street South. 16th Street South. 5th Avenue South. From R-L (Low Density Residential District) to R-37 (Medium Density Residential). Lots 9, 10, 11, Block 120, Plan 4353 S. Transparency. South Lethbridge. Mayor Magrath Drive. 23rd Street South. 24th Street South. 6th Avenue South. Direct Control Resolution Site. Transparency. South Lethbridge. Mayor Magrath Drive. 23rd Street South. 24th Street South. 6th Avenue South. From R-L (Low Density Residential District) and R-75 (Medium Density Residential) to DC (Direct Control). Lot 1 and the West 63’ of Lot 2, Block 1, Plan 8593 GB. Transparencies (2). South Lethbridge. Mayor Magrath Drive. 6th Avenue South. 7th Avenue South. Parkside Drive South. Proposed Lane Closure. Portion of Plan 8593 GB, Block 1 and Plan 1178 GT, Parcel A. Transparency. South Lethbridge. 17th Street South. 17th Street ‘A’ South. 10th Avenue South. From R-L (Low Density Residential District) to DC (Direct Control). Lots 4-8 and East ½ of 9, Block G, Plan 632 S. Transparency. South Lethbridge. Beech Road. Cedar Road. 40th Street South. Elm Crescent South. 20th Avenue South. From R-L (Low Density Residential District) to R-60 (Medium Density Residential). Lots 45 and 46, Block 14, Plan 7711335. Transparency. South Lethbridge. 17th Street South. 18th Street South. 10th Avenue South. 10th Avenue ‘A’ South. From R-L (Low Density Residential District) to DC (Direct Control). Lots 1-6, Block F, Plan 632 S. Transparency. South Lethbridge. 36th Street South. Spruce Drive South. 20th Avenue South. From R-37 (Medium Density Residential) to R-75 (Medium Density Residential). Lot 21, Block 7, Plan 7006 JK. Transparency. South Lethbridge. Mayor Magrath Drive. 28th Street South. 12th Avenue South. From R-L (Low Density Residential District) to C-H (Highway Commercial). Lot 10, Block 2, Plan 88 GQ. Transparency. South Lethbridge. 4th Street South. 5th Street South. 1st Avenue South. 2nd Avenue South. Site of By-law Amendment. Lots 1-6, Block 7, Plan 4353 S. Transparency. South Lethbridge. 34th Street South. Parkside Drive. 5th Avenue ‘A’ South. 6th Avenue South. From R-L (Low Density Residential District) and P-B (Public Building) to DC (Direct Control). Transparency. South Lethbridge. 34th Street South. 43rd Street South. Crowsnest Trail. Canadian Pacific Railway. From UR (Urban Reserve) to C-H (Highway Commercial). Portion of NE ¼, Sec. 8-21-W4M. Transparency. South Lethbridge. 13th Street South. 5th Avenue ‘A’ South. 6th Avenue South. Value Village Site. Lots 108-109, 116-121, Plan 1354 C. Transparency. South Lethbridge. Tudor Crescent South. College Drive South. Scenic Drive South. 26th Avenue South. 27th Avenue South. From P-B (Public Building) to R-L (Low Density Residential District). Lot 105, Block 3, Plan 8710744. Transparencies (3). South Lethbridge. 8th Street South. Stafford Drive South. 5th Avenue South. 6th Avenue South. From P-R (Park and Recreation) to C-D (Downtown Commercial). Reserve Proposed for Disposal. Transparency. South Lethbridge. Michigan Place. Birch Place. Cedar Place. Waterton Road. Lakemount Boulevard South. Forestry Avenue South. Proposed Subdivision of Block 79 & 80, Plan 4368 K. Transparency. South Lethbridge. 6th Street South. 8th Street South. 6th Avenue South. 7th Avenue South. From P-B (Public Building) to R-37L. Portion of Lots 8 & 9, Block B, Plan 4353 S. Transparency. South Lethbridge. 6th Street South. 8th Street South. 6th Avenue South. 7th Avenue South. From R-37L to P-B (Public Building). Lot 1 & East 4’ of Lot 2, Plan 96 Y. Transparency. South Lethbridge. 43rd Street South. 24th Avenue South. From C-H (Highway Commercial) to C-H*. Block 2 and Block 1 excluding the West 220 feet of the South 110 feet, in Plan 7452 GK. Transparency. South Lethbridge. 14th Street South. 15th Street South. 12th Avenue South. 13th Avenue South. From R-L (Low Density Residential District) to DC (Direct Control). Lots 19-21, Block 51, Plan 838 Y. Transparency. South Lethbridge. 24th Avenue South (Highway No. 4). Direct Control District. East ½ of the East ½ of L.S.D. 3 and 6, SW ¼-27-8-21-4. Transparency. South Lethbridge. 16th Street South. 17th Street South. 8th Avenue South. 9th Avenue South. From R-L (Low Density Residential District) to R-50 (Medium Density Residential). Lot 3, Plan 6581 GL. Transparency. South Lethbridge. 13th Street South. 14th Street South. 6th Avenue South. 6th Avenue ‘A’ South. From R-L (Low Density Residential District) to DC (Direct Control). Lots 1-4, Block 123, Plan 4353 S. Transparency. South Lethbridge. 13th Street South. 14th Street South. 6th Avenue South. 6th Avenue ‘A’ South. From R-L (Low Density Residential District) to C-N (Neighbourhood Commercial). Lots 1-4, Block 123, Plan 4353 S. Transparency. South Lethbridge. 30th Street South. Mayor Magrath Drive South. 27th Avenue South. 28th Avenue South. From UR (Urban Reserve) to C-H (Highway Commercial). Portion of the NW ¼, Section 21-8-21 W4M. Transparency. South Lethbridge. 12th Street South. 3rd Avenue ‘A’ South. 4th Avenue South. From R-37L to DC (Direct Control). London Road Neighbourhood Higher Density and Selected Redevelopment Area. Lots 29, 30, & W ½ of 31, Plan 1318 E. Diagram (Paper). South Lethbridge. Mayor Magrath Drive South. 20th Avenue South. Scenic Drive South. From DC (Direct Control) to C-H (Highway Commercial). Parcel X, Plan 733 GF, Part of Parcel Y, Plan 5332 GD, Portion of the North ½, Section 21-8-21-W4M. Transparencies (4). South Lethbridge. 28th Street South. Mayor Magrath Drive South. 24rd Avenue South. From DC (Direct Control) to C-H (Highway Commercial). From UR (Urban Reserve) to C-H (Highway Commercial). Portion of NW ¼, Section 21-8-21 W4M. Portion of N ½, Section 21-8-21-W4M. Block X, Plan 8651 GL. Block W, Plan 7649 HD. Diagram (Paper). South Lethbridge. 20th Avenue South. Lakeshore Road South. Lakeside Road South. Lakepoint Road South. From R-L (Low Density Residential) to R-50 (Medium Density Residential). Lot 16, Block 3, Plan 5656 JK. Diagram (Paper). South Lethbridge. Mayor Magrath Drive South. Fairway Street South. Fairway Boulevard South. 32nd Avenue South. From UR and DC (Urban Reserve and Direct Control) to R-37 (Medium Density Residential). From UR and DC (Urban Reserve and Direct Control) to R-CM20 (Medium Density Residential). From UR (Urban Reserve) to R-100 (High Density Residential). Portion of the N ½, Section 21-8-21-4. Diagram (Paper). North Lethbridge. Proposed Amendment to Valleyview/Uplands Area Structure Plan. Land Use. From LC (Local Commercial) to LD (Low Density Residential). From G/I/C (Governmental, Institutional, Church) to Commercial*(Direct Control) and G/I/C (Governmental, Institutional, Church). Transparency. North Lethbridge. 21st Street North. 23rd Street North. 5th Avenue ‘A’ North. 5th Avenue North. From R-L (Low Density Residential District) to R-37 (Medium Density Residential). Lots 31-34, Block 2,Plan 6060 AI. Transparency. North Lethbridge. Erminedale Boulevard North. Foxbend Crescent North. Bluefox Boulevard North. 26th Avenue North. From C-L (Local Commercial District) to P-B (Public Building). From P-B (Public Building) to DC (Direct Control). Lots 1 & 2, Block 5, Plan 8210088. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 13th Street North. 15th Street North. 2nd Avenue North. 1st Avenue North. From R-L (Low Density Residential District) to DC (Direct Control). Lots 25 & 24, Block A, Plan 625 C. Transparency. North Lethbridge. Beaverbrook Road North. Beaverrun Place North. Bluefox Boulevard North. Beaverpond Court North. Proposed P-R Boundary. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 30th Street North. 31st Street North. 2nd Avenue North. From I-G (General Industrial) to DC (Direct Control). Block 12, Plan 1604 JK. Transparency. North Lethbridge. St. David Road North. St. Edward Boulevard North. St. Christopher Place North. From R-L (Low Density Residential District) to P-R (Park and Recreation). Transparency. North Lethbridge. Ermineglen Place North. Ermineglen Road North. Erminerun Place North. Bluefox Boulevard North. From UR (Urban Reserve) to P-R (Park and Recreation). Transparency. North Lethbridge. Erminedale Boulevard North. Ermineview Road North. Uplands Boulevard North. Bluefox Boulevard North. 26th Avenue North. Proposed Zoning of Portion of S ½, Section 17-9-21-4. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 20th Street North. 7th Avenue ‘A’ North. 7th Avenue North. From R-L (Low Density Residential District) to R-37 (Medium Density Residential). Lot 4, Block 1, Plan 7710993. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 20th Street North. Mayor Magrath Drive North. 2nd Avenue North. From R-L (Low Density Residential District) to R-37 (Medium Density Residential). Lots 19, 20 East of Iddington Avenue, Plan 904 C. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 6th Street North. 8th Street North. Stafford Avenue North. From R-L (Low Density Residential District) to R-60 (Medium Density Residential). Lot 61, Block 2, Plan 8211016. Transparency. North Lethbridge. Stafford Road North. Stafford Drive North. Proposed North Scenic Drive Alignment. Stafford Boulevard North. From R-L (Low Density Residential District) to P-R (Park and Recreation). Portion of the NW ¼, Section 7-9-21-W4M and Lot 11-MR, Block 6, Plan 7911326. Transparency. North Lethbridge. Ermineview Road North. Ermineglen Road North. Bluefox Boulevard North. From UR (Urban Reserve) to R-L (Low Density Residential District). From UR (Urban Reserve) to P-R (Park and Recreation). Portion of the S ½, Section 17-9-21-W4M. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 16th Street North. 7th Avenue North. 6th Avenue North. From R-L (Low Density Residential District) to R-50 (Medium Density Residential). South 20.06m of Lot 22, Plan 3903 FW. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 12th Street North. 12th Street ‘A’ North. 2nd Avenue ‘A’ North. Crowsnest Trail. From C-G (General Commercial), DC (Direct Control) and P-T to C-S. Lot 2, Plan 8251 JK; Lot 2, Block 1, Plan 8710467 and a Portion of Area A, Plan 8410666. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 28th Street North. 30th Street North. 12th Avenue North. 9th Avenue North. From I-G (General Industrial) to I-B* (Business Industrial). Lot 4, Block 15, Plan 8110972. Transparency. North Lethbridge. Stafford Drive North. 26th Avenue North. Future North Scenic Drive. Stafford Boulevard North. From R-L (Low Density Residential District) to R-MH. From R-L (Low Density Residential District) to P-B (Public Building). Portion of NE ¼, Section 7-9-21-W4M. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 16th Street North. 17th Street North. 7th Avenue North. 5th Avenue North. From R-L (Low Density Residential District) to R-37 (Medium Density Residential). East ½ of South ½ of Lot 2, Excluding East 30’, Block 7, Plan 902 F. Transparency. North Lethbridge. St. Christopher Place North. St. Anne Place North. 13th Street North. St. Edward Boulevard North. St. Andrew Road North. From R-37 (Medium Density Residential) to R-60 (Medium Density Residential). Lot 8, Block 6, Plan 1094 LK. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 30th Street North. 7th Avenue North. From I-G (General Industrial) to I-B (Business Industrial). Lot 4, Block 2, Plan 7410150. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 28th Street North. 29th Street North. 18th Avenue North. 16th Avenue North. From I-G (General Industrial) to I-B (Business Industrial). Lot12, Block 6, Plan 7710884. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 7th Street North. 8th Street North. Stafford Avenue North. From R-L (Low Density Residential) to R-50 (Medium Density Residential). Lot 61, Block 2, Plan 821 1016. Transparency (1). Diagram (1) (Paper). North Lethbridge. Erminedale Boulevard North. Foxbend North. Bluefox Boulevard North. 26th Avenue North. From P-B (Public Building) to R-L (Low Density Residential). Lot 1, Block 5, Plan 8210088. From DC (Direct Control) to R-L (Low Density Residential). Lot 2, Block 5, Plan 8210088. Transparency. North Lethbridge. Erminedale Boulevard North. 18th Street North. 23rd Street North. Bluefox Boulevard North. 26th Avenue North. From Government/Institutional/Church to R-L (Low Density Residential). From Local Commercial to R-L (Low Density Residential). Lots 1 & 2, Block 5, Plan 821 0088. From R-L (Low Density Residential) to Government/Institutional/Church. Lot 2, Block 5, Plan 8210088. From R-L (Low Density Residential) to Local Commercial. Portion of SE ¼, Section 17-9-21-W4M. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 28th Street North. 29th Street North. 18th Avenue North. 16th Avenue North. From I-B (Industrial Business) to P-B (Public Building). That Portion of Lot 13, Block 6, Plan 7710884 lying North of the South 333 Feet. Diagrams (3) (Paper). North Lethbridge. 13th Street North. North Mayor Magrath Drive. 23rd Street North. 9th Avenue North. 1st Avenue North. Figure 17, Schedule “A”, Potential Redistricting Areas. Figure 18, Schedules A & B, Westminster Land Use Districts. Diagram (1). North Lethbridge. 36th Street North. 43rd Street North. 9th Avenue North. 6th Avenue North. From UR (Urban Reserve) to I-G (Industrial General). Portion of Plan 4386 JK and Block 13, Plan 7610495. Transparency. West Lethbridge. Ojibwa Road. Jerry Potts Boulevard. Algonquin Road. Ojibwa Place. From R-50 (Medium Density Residential) to DC (Direct Control). Lot 3, Block 1, Plan 8011133. Transparency. West Lethbridge. Red Crow Boulevard. University Drive West. Mohawk Road West. Micmac Boulevard West. Algonquin Road West. Proposed Clinic Site. Diagrams (3). Transparency (1). West Lethbridge. University Drive West. Edgewood Boulevard West. Coachwood Point West. Wildwood Crescent West. Area Proposed for Reserve. Schedule A. Proposed Rezoning of a Portion of Section 35-8-22-4. From UR, P-R, and R-37 to R-L, DC, and P-R. Transparency. West Lethbridge. University Drive West. Edgewood Boulevard West. Coachwood Point West. Wildwood Crescent West. Area to be Withdrawn from Reserve. Lot 1-MR, Block 4, Plan 8111265 and Lot 12-MR, Block 8, Plan 8111265. Transparency. West Lethbridge. Red Crow Boulevard West. Mohawk Road West. Existing Mult-Family Site. Area Proposed for Reserve Disposal. Lot R-68, Block 7, Plan 7910001. Transparency. West Lethbridge. Red Crow Boulevard West. Mohawk Road West. From R-37 (Medium Density Residential) to R-CM (Comprehensively Planned Medium Density Residential). Lot 69, Block 7, Plan 8110368. Transparency. West Lethbridge. Pensacola Court West. Purdue Court West. Columbia Boulevard West. Temple Crescent West. From R-75 (Medium Density Residential) to R-L (Low Density Residential) and P-R (Park and Recreation). Lot 6, Block 31, Plan 7710705. Transparency. West Lethbridge. Blakiston Bay West. Burke Boulevard West. Macleod Drive West. Blakiston Road West. From R-L (Low Density Residential) to P-B (Public Building). Lots 4 & 5, Block 6, Plan 7911317. Transparency. West Lethbridge. Crandell Crescent West. Blakiston Road West. Rocky Mountain Boulevard West. Cascade Boulevard West. From R-CM (Comprehensively Planned Medium Density Residential) to P-B (Public Building). Mountain Heights, Sunrise Estates, River Bend Area Structure Plan Amendment. From Low Density Residential to Government Institutional. Northeast 2.96 acres of Lot 46, Block 5, Plan 7911317. Transparency. West Lethbridge. Lafayette Boulevard West. Berkeley Place West. University Drive West. Columbia Boulevard West. From P-B (Public Building) to DC (Direct Control). Lot 1, Block 7, Plan 7510445. Transparency. West Lethbridge. Benton Drive West. Mt. Crandell Crescent West. From R-L (Low Density Residential District) to R-CM (Comprehensively Planned Medium Density Residential). Lots 51 – 57b, Block 6, Plan 7911317. Transparency. West Lethbridge. Crandell Crescent West. Blakiston Road West. Rocky Mountain Boulevard West. Cascade Boulevard West. From R-37 (Medium Density Residential) to R-CM (Comprehensively Planned Medium Density Residential). Lot 47, Block 5, Plan 7911317. Transparencies (2). West Lethbridge. University Drive West. Highway 3A. C.P.R. Ridgewood Heights. Residential Expansion Area. From UR (Urban Reserve) to R-L (Low Density Residential District), P-R (Park and Recreation) and R-CM-20 (Comprehensively Planned Medium Density Residential). Portion of the North ½ of Section 35-8-22-W4. Diagram (1). Transparency (1). West Lethbridge. From UR (Urban Reserve) to R-L (Low Density Residential). Portion of Section 18-8-21-W4M. Transparencies (2). West Lethbridge. Jerry Potts Boulevard West. Lakhota Crescent West. Red Crow Boulevard West. From UR (Urban Reserve) to R-L (Low Density Residential District), From UR (Urban Reserve) to R-75 (Medium Density Residential). From P-R (Park and Recreation) to R-75 (Medium Density Residential). Portion of NE ¼, Section 27-8-22-W4M & Portion of Lot 27-MR, Block 4, Plan 8011133. Diagram (1). West Lethbridge. Heritage Boulevard West. Heritage Place West. Coachwood Point West. From UR (Urban Reserve) to R-CM-20 (Comprehensively Planned Medium Density Residential). From UR (Urban Reserve) to R-L (Low Density Residential District). From UR (Urban Reserve) to P-R (Park and Recreation). Portion of NE ¼, Section 35-8-22-W4M. Diagram (1). West Lethbridge. Heritage Road West. Heritage Close West. Heritage Place West. From UR (Urban Reserve) to R-L (Low Density Residential District). From UR (Urban Reserve) to P-B (Public Building). Portion of N ½, Section 35-8-22-W4M. Diagram (1). West Lethbridge. University Drive West. Heritage Boulevard West. From UR (Urban Reserve) and P-T (Public Transportation) to R-37 (Medium Density Residential). From UR (Urban Reserve) and P-T (Public Transportation) to R-L (Low Density Residential District). Portion of NW ¼, Section 35-8-22-W4M. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 13th Street North. 2nd Avenue ‘A’ North. 1st Avenue South. From C-S and UR (Urban Reserve) to C-G (General Commercial). Portion of Lot 1, Plan 8251 JK. Transparency. South Lethbridge. City Boundary. Proposed Subdivision. Bank Setback Line. Lethbridge Airport. From U-R (Urban Reserve) to DC (Direct Control). Portion of SW ¼, Section 15-8-21-W4M. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 36th Street South. 2nd Avenue North. Crowsnest Trail. From I-H (Heavy Industrial) to C-H (Highway Commercial). Lot 3, Plan 791 0006. Transparency. North Lethbridge. 16th Street North. 18th Street North. 5th Avenue ‘A’ North. 5th Avenue North. R-L. R-60. P-R. P-B. C-L. Diagrams (2). South Lethbridge. Highway 5. Highway 4. 6 Mile Coulee. Airport. Residential Area Added. Highway Commercial Deleted.
- 20151050/087 Miscellaneous Work. City of Lethbridge. Dave. Brochure Draft. Evaluation of Pavan Golf Park Proposal. Pavan Park Golf Needs Study, 1990. City of Lethbridge Urban Parks Master Plan. Transparency. Work Program, 1983. Diagram. South Lethbridge. Leaside Avenue. 43rd Street South. Highway 3. 7th Avenue South. Potential Land Use Districts. Transparency. South Lethbridge. Planning Area. Former City Boundary. Current City Boundary. Transparency. West Lethbridge. Chippewa Crescent. Transparency. West Lethbridge. Columbia Boulevard. Rutgers Road West. Rutgers Crescent. Plan Showing Buildable Area. Setbacks. Sideyards. City of Lethbridge Malls. 16 November, 1987. Magrath Market Mall. College Mall. Park Meadows Mall. Park Place. Lethbridge Centre. Gross Floor Areas. Total Number of Parking Stalls. Transparencies (2). Logo Mockup - Circle. Palm Trees. Bridge. Photographs (2). 3 Cars Parked Behind Building. Restaurant (Moxies?). Transparencies (3). Logo Mockup – Festival Square. Galt Gardens and Surrounding Area. Pedestrian Core Area. Primary Area. Downtown Lethbridge. Planning for the 21st Century. Transparencies (2). Paper (2). 3rd Avenue South. Outside View (Moxies?). Site Plan – Oz Restaurant. Proposed Outdoor Dining Area. Proposed Fence. Unapproved Mezzanine Eating Area. Transparencies (2). Paper Diagrams (2). Downtown Lethbridge. 3rd Avenue South. 4th Avenue South. 5th Street South. 9th Street South. Post Office. BLT Building. Woolworths. Kresge. Former Eatons. Royal Bank. Trees, Planters, Benches. Transparencies (2). Paper (2). City of Lethbridge Development Application. City of Lethbridge Application for By-Law Amendment. Generalized Land Use Bylaw Amendment Application Process. Present City Process. Board Process. Delayed Decision Letter Process. Integrated Application Process. Transparency (1). Paper (1). Amenity Space Breakdown for Multi-Family Dwelling Units. Single Fronting Dwelling Unit at Grade. Single Fronting Dwelling Unit above Grade. Double Fronting Dwelling Unit at Grade. Double Fronting Dwelling Unit above Grade. Diagram (Paper). Stairwells in Sideyards. Transparencies (5). Title Pages. Development Conformance Report, Oct. 15, 1981. Land Use By-Law Rewrite Project Major Issues Paper, May 3, 1983. Yard Setbacks Related to the Alberta Building Code, Oct. 198? Appendix, Major Issues Paper – Land Use By-Law Rewrite. Appendix 3 – Optimum Lot Depths. Transparencies (8). Warehouse Building : F-2 (as Per Part 3 of the Code). 1 Storey Warehouse with Office Component Greater than 10% : F-2 & D (as Per Part 3 of the Code). Storey Apartment Development : C-2 (as Per Part 3 of the Code). Bank, Office or Personal Service Building : D (as Per Part 3 of the Code). Retail Building : E (with 2nd Storey Office – D (as Per Part 3 of the Code). Day Care Centre : B-2 (as Per Part 3 of the Code). 2 – Storey 9 Unit Townhouse Development – Residential (as Per Part 9 of the Code). 2 Storey 4-Plex Development – Residential (as Per Part 9 of the Code). Transparencies (6). Diagrams. Existing House - 907 – 9th Street South with Fence. Ashgrove Road/Sylvan Road – Proposed Garage. Corvette Crescent – Proposed Residence. 5th Street South/6th Street South/6th Avenue South – Approximate Location of Demolished House. Proposed Addition. Top of Bulkhead/Top of Roof. Diagram (Paper). West Lethbridge. Village Two (Indian Battle Heights) Development. Land Use Classification Guide Map. Transparency. Scenic Drive South. 28th Street South. Storm Detention Pond. Golf Driving Range. Typical Parking Space. Parallel Parking Space. Transparency. West Lethbridge. McMaster Boulevard West. Lafayette Boulevard West. Columbia Boulevard West. Nicholas Sheran Park. Proposed Clinic Site. Transparency. 10th Avenue ‘A’ North. Lane. Transparency. Site Plan – 610-9 Street South. Transparency. 13th Street North. Carriage House Car Sales. Lethbridge Billiards. Transparency. Downtown Lethbridge. Retail Core. C-D District. Diagram (Paper). Diagram of Car Wash, Convenience Store and Service Station. Transparency. City of Lethbridge – North, South, East. Detailed Map of Lots. Transparencies (2). Diagrams. #100 Beaverpond/#96 Beaverpond Crescent. The Fabric Patch – 2nd Avenue South/15th Street South. Diagram (Paper). South Lethbridge. Scenic Drive. Mayor Magrath Drive South. Detention Pond. Side Slope. Ditch Depth. Ditch Width. Backslope. Listing of Types of Land Use (in City of Lethbridge? County?). Agriculture – 34.6% Industrial – 6.4% Institutional – 2.9% Natural Areas – 30.5% Recreation – 2.3% Retail/Office – 1.2% Residential/Transportation – 19.2% Vacant/Other – 1.4%. Transparencies (2). Unlabeled Diagrams. Buildable Area. Minimum R=12.2 m.
- 20151050/088 Miscellaneous Work. City of Lethbridge. Barry. Transparencies (2). Paper (1). SW ¼ Section 15-9-21-W4M. Site Map. Transparency. Site Plan. Lots 21 & 22, Plan 3903 FW. Proposed Property Line. Transparency. Site Plan. Lots 7 & 8, Block 5, Plan 6489 Y. Existing House to be Removed. Transparency. Rutgers Crescent West. Easement. Lane. Transparency. Site Plan. 9th Avenue South. 15th Street South. Duplicate Certificate of Title. National Salvage Limited. 206-33rd Street North, Lethbridge T1H 3Z5.
- 20151050/089 City of Lethbridge. Display Board. City of Lethbridge Motto. Everything Under the Sun. City of Lethbridge Logo. City of Lethbridge Panel Board Mock-Ups. Development Services Directorate.
- 20151050/090 Mountain Heights, Sunrise Heights, River Bend – Area Structure Plan. Fairmont Park Area Structure Plan. July 1999. 17 pages. Mountain Heights. Sunrise Estates. River Bend. Area Structure Plan. Title Page (Paper – 1, Transparencies – 2) – June 2, 1986; Sept. 22, 1986; Oct. 17, 1988; Mar. 4, 1991; Apr. 15, 1991. Transparencies. Mountain Heights. Sunrise Estates. River Bend. Area Structure Plan. Location Map. Figure 1.1 - Contour Analysis. Figure 1.2 – Study Area. Figure 2.1 – General Alignment of Future Villages. Figure 2.2 – Proposed Staging of Chinook Trail and Arterials. Figure 3.3 – Land Ownership. Mountain Heights. Sunrise Estates. River Bend. Area Structure Plan. Figure 5.1 – General Land Use (2 Transparencies). Figure 5.5 – Transportation Concept (1 Transparency, 1 Paper Diagram). Figure 5.6 – Proposed Public Transit Routes (1 Transparency, 1 Paper Diagram). Figure 5.7 – Open Space (1 Transparency, 1 Paper Diagram). Figure 5.8 – Servicing (1 Transparency, 1 Paper Diagram). Figure 5.9 – Staging (1 Transparency, 1 Paper Diagram). Transparency. Graph. Multi-Residential Units Constructed Annually as % of All Units Constructed Annually. Total Existing Multi-Residential Units as % of All Existing Units. 1961-1983. Transparency. Graph. Percentage of Males and Females by Age Group. City of Lethbridge Census, 1981.
- 20151050/091 Miscellaneous Work. City of Lethbridge. Bob. Diagram (Paper). Primary Highway Extension Areas. Transparency (1). Diagram (1). City of Lethbridge. Highway No. 4. Uplands. Valleyview. St. James. Whoop Up & Benton Drive. University Drive. Transparency (1). Diagram (1). City of Lethbridge. Woodward’s Overflow Parking Lot. Parcel 3A & 3B, Centre Site. Magrath Market Mall. College Mall. Allan Watson School. Labor Club/McKillop School. 43rd Street & 1st Avenue South. 43rd Street South. Highway No 5. Lethbridge Centre Mall. Transparencies (11). Title Page (1). Maps (10). Sherring Industrial Park, Area Structure Plan. May 3, 1983. Existing Ownership. Topographic Features. Agricultural Soils. Major Drainage Area. Existing Road Network. Proposed Phasing and Road and Rail Alignments. Suggested Land Use Districts to the Year 2000. Open Space. Proposed Services. Transparency (1). Diagram (1). City of Lethbridge. Existing Private Golf Course. Existing Semi-Private Golf Course. Proposed Golf Course/Residential Development. GMP (General Municipal Plan) Preparation. Flow Chart. Social and Economic Trends. SWOT Analysis. Community Goals. Values – “The Community We Want.” Specific Areas. Discussion Papers. Draft Plan. Revise Draft Plan. Adopt Final Plan. Sustainable Development. Economic Goals. Transparency (1). Diagram (1). City of Lethbridge. Proposed Annexation Area. Joint General Municipal Plan Area. Transparency (1). Schematic Drawing for Multi-Downtown Concept. Transparency (1). Diagram (1). Lethbridge Area. Topographical Map and Diagram. Transparency (1). City of Lethbridge. Southeast Planning Area. Transparency (1). City of Lethbridge. Valleyview. Uplands. Heritage Heights. Ridgewood. Indian Battle Heights. Varsity Village. Mountain Heights. River Bend. Sunrise Estates. Paradise Canyon. Diagram (Paper). City of Lethbridge. Westminster Neighbourhood. London Road Neighbourhood. Transparency (1). Graph. Population Growth in the City of Lethbridge. 1885-1985. Transparency (1). City of Lethbridge. 2nd Avenue North. 7th Avenue North. 14th Street North. Transitional Area. Transparency (1). City of Lethbridge. Former Railyards. Existing Downtown. Park Place Mall. New Highway Corridor. Transparencies (2). Potential Areas for Redistricting to R.2 – Alternative. Transparencies (4). Title Pages. Home Occupations in Lethbridge, June 10, 1987. Appendix 1 – Industrial Land Requirement Projections. Appendix 2 – Summary of Industrial Land Sales. Appendix 3 – Proposed Commercial District. Transparency (1). Form. Inter-City Bonspiel.
- 20151050/092 Arbour Ridge Estates. Area Structure Plan. Arbour Ridge Estates. Area Structure Plan. Prepared for Triangle Three Developments. Prepared by Hasegawa Engineering. March 2, 2007. Southeast Lethbridge. Land Use by Type, Size and Location. Transportation Network. Conceptual Underground Services Plan. General Location of Amenities. Sequence of Development. Development Setbacks from Six Mile Coulee. Southeast Lethbridge Urbanization Plan. Highway 5 Interface. Figures (8) – Location Plan, Site Map, Selup Development Concept, Proposed Land Use Concept, Conceptual Sanitary Sewer Layout, Conceptual Waterline Layout, Conceptual Storm Sewer Layout, Southridge Impervious Areas. Archaeology Report. Slope Stability Investigation. WA Environmental Services Ltd. January 11, 2005. Lot 5, Block 1, Plan 9610597 and Portion of NW ¼ 16-8-21-W4M – January 11, 2005. Subsurface Conditions. Spread Footings. Groundwater. Slope Stability Drawings (5). Boreholes (9) - Logs. Traffic Impact Study. Bunt & Associates Engineering (Alberta) Ltd. April 26, 2006. Existing Conditions. Site Traffic Development. Future Background Traffic (2016, 2036). Signal Warrants. Left and Right Turn Warrants. Access Location and Jurisdiction. Synchro Analysis. Master Drainage Plan. Westhoff Engineering Resources, Inc. December 2006. Stormwater Management Plan. Drainage Strategy. Wetponds (2).
- 20151050/093 Hill Properties and Vicinity. Area Structure Plan. Hill Properties and Vicinity. Area Structure Plan. By-Law 4926 – Adopted November 30, 1998. Map 1 – Plan Area – November 1998. Map 2 – Internal Road System – November 1998. Map 3 – Future Land Use – November 1998. Hill Properties and Vicinity. Area Structure Plan. Approved September 14, 1981. Historical Perspective. Generalized Land Uses. General Municipal Plan. Transportation and Servicing. Environmental Considerations. Principal Occupants or Land Owners. Existing Land Use Districts. Land Use Opportunity Pattern. Potential Roadway Pattern. Potential Land Use Districts. Outline Plan Approval for Hill Property (Hill Farms). February 1977. Oldman River Regional Planning Commission. Permitted and Discretionary Uses of Selected Land Use Districts. Land Use Bylaw 3574. C-8 Highway Commercial District. C-9 Automotive Commercial District. C-10 Commercial Warehousing District. I-1 Light Industrial District. I-3 Heavy Industrial District. M-2 Public Utilities District. By-Law 4926. Municipal Government Act, 1994, Chapter m-26.1 (As Amended). Area Structure Plans.
- 20151050/094 West Highlands. Area Structure Plan. West Highlands. Area Structure Plan. Prepared by Martin Geomatic Consultants Ltd. Adopted June 3, 1996. Bylaw No. 4779. Background Context of West Lethbridge. Regional Plan. Joint General Municipal Plan. “Urbanization of West Lethbridge” Report. Village Development Planning Concept. Major Transportation Routes. Site Analysis. Legal Description. Existing Zoning and Land Uses. Proposed Land Uses and Dwelling Form. Seniors Village. Population and Development Densities. Park and Open Space. Linkages. Access to Schools. Noise Levels and Buffer Requirements. Coal Mine Subsidence. Servicing. Water Distribution System. Sanitary Sewer System. Stormwater Management. “Wet Pond” Storm Water Facility. “Dry Pond” Storm Water Facility. Irrigation Canal. Utilities. Public Transit. Police and Fire/Ambulance. Staging of Development. Figures (13). Location Map. Area Boundary. Adjacent Land Use & Opportunities/Constraints. Land Ownership. Contour Analysis.
- 20151050/095 Mountain Heights/RiverStone/River Bend. Area Structure Plan. Mountain Heights/RiverStone/River Bend. Area Structure Plan. By-law No. 4977 (To Replace By-law No 4086) – August 1999. Amended by By-law No. 5161 – May 6, 2002. Amended July 14, 2003. West Lethbridge Development Context (Maps 1, 2, 3, 8). Plan Philosophy. Future Needs. Changing Housing Markets. Site Analysis. Topography (Maps 4, 5). Land Ownership (Map 6). Land Uses (Map 7). Residential Development. Commercial Development. Public Building Areas. School Sites (Map 7). Open Space System. Neighbourhood Linkage and Pedestrian-Bicycle System. Block Parks. Joint-Use School-Community Parks. Arterial Roadways (Map 8). Collector Roadways. Local Roadways. Public Transit. Utilities (Maps 9a, 9b, 9c). Underground Infrastructure Master Plan. Water Supply System. Storm Sewer System. Sanitary Sewer System (Map 9a). Development Staging (Map 10). Housing and Population Projections (Table 1). School Enrolment Projections (Table 2).
- 20151050/096 Mountain Heights, Sunrise Estates, River Bend. Municipal Development Plan (MDP). Mountain Heights, Sunrise Estates, River Bend. Municipal Development Plan (MDP). By-law 4086, June 2, 1986. Replaced by By-law 4977, August 1999. Appendix 1 - Area Structure Plan, March 1986. Location of Study Area (Figures 1.1, 1.2). West Lethbridge Context. Village Concept. General Alignment of Future Villages (Figure 2.1). Regional Plan. General Municipal Plan. Joint General Municipal Plan. “Urbanization of West Lethbridge” Report. Chinook Trail (Figure 2.2) and River Crossing. Urban Park and River Valley Area Redevelopment Plan. Site Analysis. Contour Analysis (Figure 3.1). Land Ownership (Figures 3.2, 3.3). Residential Trends and Characteristics (Figure 4.1, Tables 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4). Development Policies. Subdivision Policies. Roadway System – Arterials, Collectors, Local Roads, Right-of-Way Standards. Public Transit. Residential Land Use. Energy-Efficient Housing. Density Targets. Housing Mix. Population Projections. Schools and Community Facilities. Open Space System. Block Parks. Joint Use School-Community Parks. Neighbourhood Linkage and Pedestrian-Bicycle Linkage Systems. Canal Open Space Linkage. Commercial Land Use. Government/Institutional Land Use. Servicing – Sanitary Sewer System, Storm Sewer System, Water Supply System. Staging of Development.
- 20151050/097 Highways 4 and 5. Area Structure Plan. Highways 4 and 5. Area Structure Plan. Adopted by By-law #4365, March 5, 1990. Amended by By-law 4687, December 19, 1994. Amended by By-law 4839, June 2, 1997. Purpose and Relationship to Other Plans. Site Analysis – Location (Figures 1, 2), Topography, Soils, Land Uses (Figures 3, 4, 6), Zoning, Land Ownership (Figure 5), Road Networks (Figure 7). Highway Commercial Development. Mobile Home Park, Multi-Family Residential. Parks. Phasing of Development. Proposed Road Network – Arterials, Intersection Locations, Major Collectors, Service Roads. Residential Access. Servicing – Storm Sewer (Figure 8), Sanitary Sewer (Figure 9), Water Distribution (Figure 10), Electrical (Figure 11). Noise Levels. Building Setbacks. Adjacent Land Uses and Buffer Requirements. Highways 4 and 5. Area Structure Plan. Adopted by By-law #4365. March 5, 1990. Superceded. Site Analysis – Location (Figures 1, 2), Topography, Soils, Land Uses (Figures 3, 4, 6), Zoning, Land Ownership (Figure 5), Road Networks (Figure 7). Highway Commercial Development. Mobile Home Park, Multi-Family Residential. Parks. Phasing of Development. Proposed Road Network – Arterials, Intersection Locations, Major Collectors, Service Roads. Servicing – Storm Sewer (Figure 8), Sanitary Sewer (Figure 9), Water Distribution (Figure 10), Electrical (Figure 11). Noise Levels. Building Setbacks.
- 20151050/098 Valleyview/Uplands. Area Structure Plan. Valleyview/Uplands. Area Structure Plan. City of Lethbridge. Adopted by By-law 3646, Oct. 14, 1980. Amended by By-law 4095, Aug. 25, 1986. Amended by By-law 4198, Nov. 16, 1987. Amended by By-law 4392, Jul. 23, 1990. Amended by By-law 4915, Aug. 24, 1998. History. Hardieville. Oldman River Preliminary Regional Plan, 1974. Lethbridge General Municipal Plan (1980). North Lethbridge Urbanization Report (1980). Flowchart - Hierarchy of Plans, Studies, Steps in the Subdivision Development Process. Topography. Past Coal Mining Operations. Land Ownership. Land Uses. Historical and Archaeological Resources. CBC TV Tower. Shale Quarrying Operation. Tree Nursery and Animal Shelter. Calgary Power Limited Transmission Line. Feedlot Operations. Coulees. City of Lethbridge Sanitary Landfill Site. Community Park. Multi-Family Housing. Soil Stability. “Village Concept.” Transportation System. Residential Land Use. Commercial Centres. Schools and Community Facilities. Shared Use of Facilities. Projected School Enrollment. Reserve Land. Environmental Reserve. Joint Use School Sites. Parks – Community, Village, Neighbourhood, Tot Lots. Pedestrian and Bicycle Linkages. Coulee and River Valley Open Space. Government/Institutional/Church Land Uses. Utility Services – Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer, Water Supply. Public Health Services – Village Clinic, Hospital Facilities, Library Services, Police Service, Fire Protection. Land Use Interface. Appendix “A,” Hardy Associates, Calgary – Mining History, Geology, Subsidence. Galt Mines - #3, #6.
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