A.E. Cross Studio fonds - October 1976
- Description Level
- Series
- Accession No.
- 20111061
- Scope and Content
- The files contain original negatives and prints produced by the A.E. Cross Studio in Lethbridge 76712 Francis Mullock Lethbridge 76713 Mirian Given Lethbridge 76714 Mr. & Mrs. Larry Oseen Taber 76715 Susan Kaupp Lethbridge 76716 Rita Kaupp Lethbridge 76717 Susan Kaupp Lethbridge 76718 Mr. & Mrs. K…
- Fonds
- A.E. Cross Studio fonds
- Description Level
- Series
- Creator
- A.E. Cross Studio
- Scope and Content
- The files contain original negatives and prints produced by the A.E. Cross Studio in Lethbridge 76712 Francis Mullock Lethbridge 76713 Mirian Given Lethbridge 76714 Mr. & Mrs. Larry Oseen Taber 76715 Susan Kaupp Lethbridge 76716 Rita Kaupp Lethbridge 76717 Susan Kaupp Lethbridge 76718 Mr. & Mrs. Ken Yoshioka Lethbridge 76719 Stephen Snider 76720 Lynn Ross Lethbridge 76721 Mr. & Mrs. L. Williamson Lethbridge 76722 Mr. John Nash Lethbridge 76723 Mr. Jonas Daugirdas Lethbridge 76724 Peggy Graham Calgary 76725 Lee Johanson Taber 76726 Mr & Mrs. Logan Tait Lethbridge 76727 Mrs. Koyata Picture Butte 76728 Mrs. Brenda Moody Lethbridge 76729 Missing 76730 Mrs. Handley Coaldale 76731 Mrs. Sweeny Lethbridge 76732 MR. & Mrs. A. Utibeyerse Lethbridge 76733 Sharon McKenzie Lethbridge 76734 Mr. J. Ringland 76735 Mr T. H. Hunt Lethbridge 76736 Mr. Ray F. Meredith Lethbridge 76737 Steven Betegh Lethbridge 76738 Marvin Dragland Lethbridge 76739 Mr. Ikee Dyck Lethbridge 76740 Mr. Karl Kloepper Lethbridge 76741 Mr. & Mrs. Frazier Lethbridge 76742 Time Air ( Stub Ross ) Lethbridge 76743 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kremenik Shaughnessy 76744 Mr. & Mrs. Klaas Slomp Lethbridge 76745 Mr. & Mrs. Art Baldrey Lethbridge 76746 Wendy Trapp Lethbridge 76747 Mr. & Mrs. D. McCormack Lethbridge 76748 Mr. & Mrs. F. Clarkson Cowley AB 76749 Mr. & Mrs. E. A. Wilford Stettler AB 76750 Mr. & Mrs. Terry Higgins Vauxhall Ab 76751 Boy Scouts of Canada 76752 Mr. & Mrs. Smith Carmangay AB 76753 Jane & Joan Gunn Stirling AB 76754 Diane Anderson Lethbridge 76755 Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Areshenko Lethbridge 76756 Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Murray Med. Hat 76757 Mr. & Mrs. M. Donkin Lethbridge 76758 Clarice Sivgyer Lethbridge 76759 Afton Porter Lethbridge 76760 Mr. & Mrs. H. J. Eberts Sparwood BC 76761 JudyTittsworth Pincher Creek 76762 Missing 76763 Mr. & Mrs. A. Harsany Lethbridge 76764 Leth. Broncos Lethbridge 76765 Kim Kasperski Lethbridge 76766 Mr. & Mrs. Art Howg Lethbridge 76767 Mr. & Mrs. H Bourassa Fort Macleod 76768 Mr. & Mrs. Alex F. Ress Lethbridge 76769 Mr. & Mrs. Vern Mark Lethbridge 76770 Mr. & Mrs. D. Kabesh Med. Hat 76771 Mr. Eugene Kornelson Lethbridge 76772 Mrs. Androkovich Lethbridge 76773 Mr. & Mrs. Phil Ross Lethbridge 76774 Mr. & Mrs. Ducan McGeorge Lethbridge 76775 Mrs. D. Kabesh Med. Hat 76776 Joyce Stein Claresholm AB 76777 Mr. Ross Beyer Coaldale 76778 Ducan Industries Lethbridge 76779 Mr. & Mrs. D. Mitchell Coaldale 76780 Mr. Ernie Hendricks Coaldale 76781 Wendy Tam Lethbridge 76782 Southern Alta Art Gallery Lethbridge 76783 Mr. & Mrs. Thiessen Coaldale 76784 Mrs. L. Hutcheon Lethbridge 76785 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kubik Lethbridge 76786 Mr. & Mrs. F. R. Smith Foremost AB 76787 Jim Rapuano Lethbridge 76788 Jim Rapuano Lethbridge 76789 Mr. & Mrs. M. Murray Lethbridge 76790 Mr. Nikoleychuk Stirling AB 76791 Mr. D. Logsdon Lethbridge 76792 Judy Reardon Taber 76793 Mrs. Grice Lethbridge 76794 Miss Ruth Domaschenko Calgary 76795 Jarret, Gould & Elliott 76796 Allen Deboer Lethbridge 76797 Joe Chenger Lethbridge 76798 Brian Schnorr Arrowwood AB 76799 Mrs. J. Mackin Claresholm AB 76800 Alvira Matis Coaldale 76801 Mrs. Kreil Lethbridge 76802 Mrs. G. Chervenka Picture Butte 76803 Lee Farrari Lethbridge 76804 Connie Van Burren Lethbridge 76805 Mrs. J. George Lethbridge 76806 Mr. & Mrs. L. Thomas Lethbridge 76807 Mr. & Mrs. Pringle Lethbridge 76808 Mrs. Shulman Lethbridge 76809 Yvonne Anderson Lethbridge 76810 Mr. Cordell Lethbridge 76811 Mr. & Mrs. Theisen Vauxhall Ab 76812 Mr. & Mrs. Theisen Vauxhall Ab 76813 Mr. & Mrs. Theisen Vauxhall Ab 76814 Mr. & Mrs. Tinsley Lethbridge 76815 Ms. B. Rabl Lethbridge 76816 Mr. & Mrs. J. Schulz Vauxhall Ab 76817 Mr. & Mrs. L. Potvin Lethbridge 76818 Mr. & Mrs. Neilson Brooks AB 76819 Jennifer Neilson Brooks AB 76820 Mr. & Mrs. David Mitchell Vulcan AB 76821 Mr. & Mrs. M. McPherson Hardiville AB 76822 Mr. & Mrs. R. Buining Burdette AB 76823 Mr. & Mrs. J. Ackroyd Magrath AB 76824 Mr. & Mrs. J. Ackroyd Magrath AB 76825 Mr. & Mrs. Rod Band 76826 Mr. & Mrs. Gamble Lethbridge 76827 Mr. & Mrs. G. Harris Taber 76828 Darlene Kirk Lethbridge 76829 Mr. & Mrs. C. E. Green Lethbridge 76830 Mr. & Mrs. Knapok Lethbridge 76831 Mrs. Green Lethbridge 76832 Mrs. Dow Champion AB 76833 Mr. & Mrs. Jim Welsh Turin AB
- Accession No.
- 20111061
- Collection
- Archive
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