Land Use and Planning Department fonds
- Date Range
- 1960-2013
- Accession No.
- 20151015
- Scope and Content
- Studies, reports and plans developed or comissioned by the city and related to zoning, land use and development. 2015.1015/001 Garry Station Outline Plan, Stantec Consulting Ltd. for Melcor Developments Ltd., Gemini Property and Land Developments Ltd., City of Lethbridge, June 2011. 2015.101…
- Date Range
- 1960-2013
- Scope and Content
- Studies, reports and plans developed or comissioned by the city and related to zoning, land use and development. 2015.1015/001 Garry Station Outline Plan, Stantec Consulting Ltd. for Melcor Developments Ltd., Gemini Property and Land Developments Ltd., City of Lethbridge, June 2011. 2015.1015/002 (Part 1, 2 & 3) The Canyons Outline Plan, AECOM Canada Ltd. for Melcor Developments Ltd., November, 2009. 2015.1015/003 Country Meadows Outline Plan, Stantec Consulting Ltd. for Southgate Commercial Lands Corp., January, 2012. 2015.1015/004 (Part 1, 2 & 3) Black Wolf North Uplands Outline Plan, Brown and Associates Planning Group for Avonlea Land Corp., January, 2010. 2015.1015/005 Sun Ridge Outline Plan, UMA Engineering Ltd. for City of Lethbridge, March, 2004. 2015.1015/006 Copperwood Stage 2 Outline Plan, Stantec Consulting Ltd. for Dayonta Urban Development Corp., July 2012. 2015.1015/007 Land Use Bylaw 5700, City of Lethbridge, July 25-September 1, 2011. 2015.1015/008 (Part 1 & 2) Country Meadows Outline Plan, Stantec Consulting Ltd. for Southgate Commercial Lands Corp., January, 2012. 2015.1051/009 Benton Crossing Outline Plan, Associated Engineering for the City of Lethbridge, revised August 11, 2006. 2015.1015/010 (Part 1, 2 & 3) West Lethbridge Employment Centre Technical Documents, City of Lethbridge, December, 2012. 2015.1015/011 Legacy Ridge Stage 2 Outline Plan Brief, Martin Geomatic Consultants Ltd. for Avonlea Land Corp. Ltd., May 2006. 2015.1015/012 Whoop-Up Drive Improvements working documents and notes, Reid Crowther & Partners for City of Lethbridge, 1999. 2015.1015/013 Whoop-Up Drive Improvements Summary report, Reid Crowther & Partners for City of Lethbridge, August, 1999 2015.1015/014 West Lethbridge Employment Centre, market analysis & development forecast, City of Lethbridge, March, 2010 2015.1015/015 Ecological Land Classification and Analysis technical report, Lethbridge Urban Parks, Ecological Land Surveys Ltd. for City of Lethbridge, 1985 2015.1015/016 Recreation and Cultural Facilities Master Plan, IBI Group & HarGroup Management Consultants Inc., for City of Lethbridge, April 2007 2015.1015/017 Functional Planning Study, Chinook Trail: University Drive to Benton Drive, Trans Tech Engineering for City of Lethbridge, March 2005 2015.1015/018 Green Options for a Sustainable Community, part 2: Green Subdivision Design Principles, Strategies and Incentives for Sun Ridge Phases 3 & 4, City of Lethbridge, November 17, 2005 2015.1015/019 Lethbridge General Plan Public Response, Oldman River Regional Planning Commission, 1977 2015.1015/020 Hardieville/Legacy Ridge/Uplands Area Structure Plan, UMA Engineering Ltd., for City of Lethbridge 2002-2008 2015.1015/021 (Parts 1 & 2) Country Meadows Area Structure Plan, Martin Geomatic Consultants, Ltd. & Longview Planning + Design, November, 2009. 2015.1015/022 Sherring Business and Industrial Area Structure Plan, City of Lethbridge, 2004 2015.1015/023 South Gate Outline Plan, UMA Engineering Ltd. for Loblaw Properties West Inc. , Sunrise Investment Co. Ltd. and Avonlea Land Corp. Ltd., March 2004. 2015.1015/024 Urbanization of West Lethbridge, Oldman River Planning Commission, for City of Lethbridge, April , 1969. 2015.1015/025 Land Use Issues—Commercial, City of Lethbridge, Oldman River Regional Planning Commission, December, 1979 2015.1015/026 Land Use Issues—Residential, Background Paper, City of Lethbridge, Oldman River Regional Planning Commission, December, 1979. 2015.1015/027 Proposed Churchill Industrial Park Policy Guidelines, Oldman River Planning Commission for City of Lethbridge, September, 1976. 2015.1015/028 West Lethbridge Underground Infrastructure Servicing Study, MPE Engineering Ltd, for City of Lethbridge, November, 2006. 2015.1015/029 General Plan Analysis of the Survey, 1960, Part One, January, 1960, Oldman River District Planning Commission, for City of Lethbridge. 2015.1015/030 General Plan Analysis of the Survey, 1960, Part Four, October, 1961, Oldman River District Planning Commission, for City of Lethbridge. 2015.1015/031 General Plan Analysis of the Survey, 1960, Part Five, December, 1962, Oldman River District Planning Commission, for City of Lethbridge. 2015.1015/032 General Plan Analysis of the Survey, 1960, Part Seven, December, 1963, Oldman River District Planning Commission, for City of Lethbridge. 2015.1015/033 Affordable Housing Policy Backgrounder, and Lethbridge Housing Needs Assessment, University of Lethbridge for City of Lethbridge, 2007. 2015.1015/034 (Parts 1 & 2) Transportation Master Plan for Roadways, UMA Engineering Ltd., for City of Lethbridge, February, 2004. 2015.1015/035 (Parts 1 & 2) West Lethbridge Storm Waterton Management Study, MPE Engineering Ltd. & J N Mackenzie Engineering, Ltd. for City of Lethbridge, December, 1988. 2015.1015/036 River Valley Area Redevelopment Plan, Lombard North Group Ltd. and Reid Crowther and Partners Ltd. for City of Lethbridge, March 2008. 2015.1015/037 West Lethbridge Employment Centre Area Structure Plan Environmental Overview Assessment, AMEC Earth & Environmental for City of Lethbridge, May, 2010. 2015.1015/038 West Lethbridge Employment Centre Area Structure Plan, City of Lethbridge, January, 2013. 2015.1015/039 West Lethbridge Employment Centre Area Structure Plan, adopted by City of Lethbridge bylaw No. 5798, February, 2013. 2015.1015/040 Land Use Allocation Study for the Southeast Lethbridge Urbanization Plan, UMA Engineering Ltd., for City of Lethbridge, January, 2002. 2015.1015/041 Southeast Lethbridge Urbanization Plan, Historical Resource Overview, Arrow Ltd., January, 2002. 2015.1015/042 (Parts 1, 2 & 3)Southeast Lethbridge Urbanization Plan Technical Reports, UMA Engineering Ltd., for City of Lethbridge, January, 2002. 2015.1015/043 Mountain Heights, Sunrise Estates & River Bend Area Structure Plan, City of Lethbridge, adopted by bylaw 4086, June, 1986 2015.1015/044 Mountain Heights, Sunrise Estates & River Bend Area Structure Plan, City of Lethbridge, adopted by bylaw 4086 and amended by bylaw, 4266, October, 1988. 2015.1015/045 The Fairways Area Structure Plan, City of Lethbridge, adopted by bylaw 4687, December, 1994. 2015.1015/046 Central Business District 13th Street North Traffic and Parking Study, City of Lethbridge, no date. 2015.1015/047 Growth Management and the Economy, City of Lethbridge General Municipal Plan Background Paper, Oldman River Planning Commission, 1979. 2015.1015/048 General Plan Review Direction of Growth Policies for the City of Lethbridge, Oldman River Planning Commission, August, 1977. 2015.1015/049 Land Use Bylaw, City of Lethbridge, bylaw 3574, March, 1980. 2015.1015/050 Land Use Bylaw, City of Lethbridge, bylaw 3574, March, 1980 with amendments to January, 1985. 2015.1015/051 Development Control Bylaw No. 2887 and Development Control Resolutions, Oldman River Regional Planning Commission for City of Lethbridge, 1974. 2015.1015/052 Development Control Bylaw No. 2887 and Development Control Resolutions, Oldman River Regional Planning Commission for City of Lethbridge, June, 1976. 2015.1015/053 Development Control Bylaw No. 2887 and Development Control Resolutions, Oldman River Regional Planning Commission for City of Lethbridge, December 31, 1977. 2015.1015/054 Heritage Heights Area Structure Plan, Martin & Company Ltd., October, 1989. 2015.1015/055 Heritage Heights Area Structure Plan bylaw 4329, Martin & Company Ltd., December 11, 1989. 2015.1015/056 Functional Planning and Design Study for 43rd Street, Reid, Crowther and Partners, Ltd. for City of Lethbridge, October, 1973. 2015.1015/057 City of Lethbridge Zoning Bylaw No. 2750 with amendments to Dec. 31, 1971, Oldman River Regional Planning Commission. 2015.1015/058 City of Lethbridge Zoning Bylaw No. 2750 with amendments to June 30, 1976, Oldman River Regional Planning Commission. 2015.1015/059 City of Lethbridge Zoning Bylaw No. 2750 with amendments to Dec. 31, 1976, Oldman River Regional Planning Commission. 2015.1015/060 City of Lethbridge Zoning Bylaw No. 2750 with amendments to January 31, 1978, Oldman River Regional Planning Commission. 2015.1015/061 Report on Parking Requirements on 13th Street North from 2nd Avenue North to 8th Avenue North, City of Lethbridge, October 27, 1975. 2015.1015/062 Land Use Issues Commercial Background Paper, General Municipal Plan, City of Lethbridge, Oldman River Regional Planning Commission, 1979. 2015.1015/063 General Municipal Plan, adopted by bylaw 3573, March, 1980. 2015.1015/064 General Plan Review, City Involvement in Land Development, Oldman River Regional Planning Commission, for City of Lethbridge, September, 1977. 2015.1015/065 Land Use Bylaw 4100, City of Lethbridge, August, 1986 (comprehensively amended Sept, 1989). 2015.1015/066 Land Use Bylaw 4100, City of Lethbridge, August, 1986 and amended to September 17, 2001. 2015.1015/067 City of Lethbridge Bylaw 3540 Amendment to bylaw 2750. 2015.1015/068 Southgate Area Structure Plan, UMA Engineering Ltd. for Loblaw Properties West Inc., Thiessen Cattle Ltd./Sunrise Investment Co. Ltd. & Avonlea Land Corp. Ltd., January, 2004.
- Accession No.
- 20151015
- Collection
- Archive
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