Tex McLeod And Katherine Stinson At Lethbridge Fair
- Material Type
- Photograph
- Date Range
- 1918
- Accession No.
- 19831055000
- Physical Description
- Copy 1 17.1 x 12.6 cm. Copy 2 8.9 x 12.7cm.2 Black and white copy prints
- Scope and Content
- Tex McLeod, world champion roper and Miss Katherine Stinson, the first female pilot to fly in and out of Lethbridge, at the Lethbridge Fair. Tex McLeod's horse and Katherine Stinson's Curtiss bi-plane are also pictured.
- Material Type
- Photograph
- Date Range
- 1918
- Physical Description
- Copy 1 17.1 x 12.6 cm. Copy 2 8.9 x 12.7cm.2 Black and white copy prints
- Physical Condition
- Excellent
- History Biographical
- Katherine Stinson spent most of July and part of August in Alberta and Saskatchewan, where she put on many flying exhibitions. On July 27, she made two flights at the Lethbridge fair. The two men in the background are Sammy Garrett and Chester Byes. Copy 2 was original donated to the Medicine Hat Museum by John Hall, 54 reservoir Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B169EF, England. The Medicine Hat Museum, in turn, passed in on the City of Lethbridge Archives.
- Acquisition Source
- Lethbridge Herald
- Scope and Content
- Tex McLeod, world champion roper and Miss Katherine Stinson, the first female pilot to fly in and out of Lethbridge, at the Lethbridge Fair. Tex McLeod's horse and Katherine Stinson's Curtiss bi-plane are also pictured.
- Access Restrictions
- Public Access
- Accession No.
- 19831055000
- Collection
- Archive
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